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And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars (Luke 21:25, NLT).

When I was a teenager in my hometown, many reports began circulating of strange lights in the sky. There were newspaper stories relating testimonies by witnesses.

Being curious, for a couple of nights, I sat in my backyard until one or two in the morning looking at the sky. I had two friends with me, as there was no way that I was going to confront aliens by myself.

A fevered interest in UFOs exists in the media today. 

Officially, they are not called UFOs anymore (Unidentified Flying Objects) but UAPs (Unexplained Aerial Phenomena). For some reason, UAP is now the more politically correct descriptive.

No matter what they are called, there have been UFO sightings for thousands of years.

In India, there are supposed rock paintings of UFOs that go back 10,000 years. (I imagine it was more acceptable back then for curious teenagers to sleep under the stars looking for them.)

There are writings about UFOs in Chinese tomes dating to the 4th century. And, the first photographic image of a UFO was taken on Mount Washington in 1801.

Back to my childhood.

I live close to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. During my teenage years, the Air Force conducted studies on UFOs under a program called Project Blue Book. This project was centered at Wright-Patterson.  

Wright-Patterson continues to be a focal point of UFO intrigue as it’s the location of the infamous Hanger 18.

It’s been claimed that Hanger 18 housed two crashed UFOs and other parts and pieces of alien flying objects. Other reports indicate that Hanger 18 has the bodies of aliens who were found in the rubble of crashed UFOs.

Though my friends and I didn’t see any strange objects in the sky during those nights we stayed up late, we all agreed that the UFOs probably contained angry aliens looking for their lost friends.

Anyone Googling “Hanger 18” will quickly find that while there is a Building 18 associated with the base, there has never been a “Hanger 18.” 


What can we know about UFOs or UAPs?

There have been many sightings by competent pilots and ground observers. And it doesn’t take long to find inexplicable videos and photos of UFOs on YouTube.

Disconcerting recent Congressional investigations report UAPs over military installations, areas of conflict in the Middle East, and in the flight paths of commercial aircraft close to busy airports.

We can’t easily discount these sightings. Something is happening. But what?

Yes, more to discuss in tomorrow’s Interruption #1159. Don’t stay up late tonight. Go to bed early so that you will be alert and able to read this next Interruption when it drops at 6 a.m. EST.

And it’s too cold to sit outside tonight looking for a UFO.

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