Three Indicators of Walking in the Spirit!

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But I say, walk by the Spirit (Galatians 5:16, ESV).

The Greek word for walk is “peripatao.” This word means “peri” or “around” and “patao” or “walk”—literally “walk around.” The OGV (Old Guy Version) translation of Galatians 5:16 is. . . 

Please, live successfully by walking around every day in the Spirit of God!

Do we want God’s best for our lives? Do we want peace? Do we want success? We must walk around in the Spirit. But how do we know we are walking in the Spirit?

When someone tells me to “walk in the Spirit” or “live in the Spirit,”—being practical—I ask, “How do I know that I’m walking or living in the Spirit?” Let’s discuss three ways to know that we are walking around in the Spirit.

#1:  Appetites change

I get up early to read the Bible and pray. I like to disciple others, and I “stop ‘n pray” for people who tell me about their illnesses. When I was in high school, I would have considered this behavior bizarre and unappealing.

What happened? The Spirit gave me new desires.

Walking in the Spirit is primarily about changing appetites. Sometimes we get stuck on an intractable appetite—addiction, despondency, or money—so we must ask God to change this desire.

Asking in faith and not the drudgery of works is the key to holiness.

#2:  Spirit nudges

Walking through your day, has someone’s name wandered into your daydreaming? Did the person at work just mention a problem with their mother? Did an idea for advancing the Kingdom just pop into your head?

In Ephesians 1:17, Paul tells us that we have been given a Spirit of wisdom and revelation. Recognizing daily nudges from the Spirit develops our faith.

There is nothing more encouraging than God working through us.

#3:  We appreciate conviction

Jesus aptly describes a day of walking around in the Spirit with this verse. . . 

When [the Spirit] comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment (John 16:8).

I am constantly convicted of illicit thoughts, inadequate words, and improper actions. I’d go crazy if I hadn’t learned and understood that conviction is a conversation. Hey, I want the Spirit to speak, even if it’s conviction!!!

And conversation with the Spirit isn’t dooming judgment. It’s more like, “Ahem, why did you say that?” or “It might be a good idea not to do that again.” 

I’ve even learned to turn the table in my conversations with the Spirit: “Okay, Spirit, stop holding back your power and give a healing right now.” Or, “Remember that verse about abundance? How about today?”

Walking around in the Spirit becomes an adventure. We learn godliness through daily encounters with the Spirit. Christianity is the only religion that allows us to walk in a one-to-one intimate relationship with Jesus. 

Remember. . .  

Please, live successfully by walking around every day in the Spirit of God! (Galatians 5:16, OGV).

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