The Spiritual Gift Of Administration

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God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues (1 Corinthians 12:28, ESV).

There are gifts, or abilities, given by the Holy Spirit.

One of the most important gifts needed in the church is the gift of administration. The gift of administration is also known as the gift of organization.

There is the gift of leadership, the gift of being a pastor, and the gift of administration. Often, great leaders and pastors are not the best organizers! Leaders need team members who can organize.

Having a gift of leadership, I can organize, but it’s not what I do best. 

I’ve witnessed the gift of administration plan an event for 1,000, a mission trip to another country, the church calendar for a month – and then take a mid-morning break for coffee!

And all this organization energizes the gift of administration.

The Greek word for “administration” comes from a word that means “piloting a ship.” The gift of organization can steer a church, ministry, or business through both calm and stormy seas – keeping a straight course toward vision and goals.

As I’ve observed the gift of administration/organization through the years, I’ve noticed these things …

  • They are motivated by chaos.  When the “gift of organization” enters a ministry, the leader of that ministry should step aside and let this gift get to work!
  • They lose motivation by being micromanaged.  Either through incompetence or insecurity, leaders who try to manage details and insist on involvement in too many decisions limit the organizers’ effectiveness.
  • They are adept at delegating.  Administrators love to get others involved in ministry.

One person claimed the gift of administration because of his love for details. Yes, keeping track of budgets, people, and office supplies is important, but what separates a detailed person from the gift of organization is the ability to build teams.

The Apostle Paul writes that we should bestow great honor on the gifts that often go unnoticed. His teaching, “God has designed the body of Christ so that greater honor must be given to those who faithfully serve” (1 Corinthians 12:23-24, OGV).

I once heard a church consultant talk about the need for administration. 

He said, “I’ve noticed some pastors who were unable to lead their church to another level of influence, not because of bad vision, but because they lacked the ability to release the gift of organization in their ministry.”

The gift of leadership and the gift of organization must walk in the unity of the Spirit. Organizers should not get frustrated at big ideas, and leaders should not feel restrained by infrastructure.

In my ministry of 52 years, I’ve never lacked big ideas. I also admit that serving behind my lasting successes has been the gift of administration.

Pastor Grant needs help!

Fortunately, great organizers have been willing to tangle with the chaos of my ideas.

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