The Purpose of the Church and The Buckeyes!

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C. S. Lewis writes. . .  

There exists in every church something that sooner or later works against the very purpose for which it came into existence. So, we must strive very hard, by the grace of God, to keep the church focused on the mission that Christ originally gave to it.

An insightful and convicting quote, but what is the mission of the church originally given by our Lord?

Jesus said. . . 

I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth! Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world (Matthew 28:18-20, CEV).

Matthew 28:18-20 has been called The Great Commission — the purpose of every local church for centuries. But do local churches, missions, denominations, and 501c3 Christian non-profits strive to make disciples? Let’s consider. . . 

Jesus said, “Go!” 

Defining His instructions on “the Great Commission,” Jesus said to the apostles in Acts. . . 

But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria. . . (Acts 1:8).

I believe in discipling Springfield (my Jerusalem), the United States (my Judea), and Samaria (other countries as the Lord leads). Often, while discussing discipleship in other countries, I hear the comment, “We should focus on local churches.”  

This statement isn’t Biblical. Jesus said, “Go to all the people of all nations!” Let’s not lose focus on the mission given to us by Jesus.

Jesus said, “Make disciples!”

Today, there’s a lot of interest in discipleship, with the emphasis on “being a disciple.” And I say, “Amen!” But the Great Commission doesn’t teach us to “be a disciple” but “to make disciples.” We can’t be the disciples Jesus desires without obeying His command to make disciples.

As disciples, we make disciples.

Recently, I read a book about disciplemaking by a best-selling Christian author. He writes, “Not one time in the entire New Testament is disciple used as a verb. Not once. Grammatically speaking, then, to use disciple as a verb is bad form.” He’s making the point that “disciple” is a “noun,” not a “verb,” and our emphasis should be on being disciples in such a way that attracts others to be disciples.

He’s right with his intentions but wrong with his Greek.

The Greek word translated “make disciples” in Matthew 28 is a verb. Any beginning Greek student can pull up Bible Hub, look at the Greek, and see this: “matheteuo: to make a disciple, to teach, to instruct. Part of Speech: verb.”

Let’s not lose focus. We can’t be disciples without making disciples, like swimmers can’t be swimmers without swimming, or The OHIO STATE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL TEAM — WITHOUT ACTUALLY PLAYING FOOTBALL AND BEATING TENNESSEE, OREGON, TEXAS, AND NOTRE DAME!

As C.S. Lewis said (and I’m sure Coach Ryan Day would agree) — Let’s not lose our focus!

Go Church! Go Bucks!

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