The Prayer Warrior’s Prayer, Part 4

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Did you note that this Interruption is Part 4? Part 4 of what? Of learning to have this phrase describe your praying…

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us (Ephesians 3:20, NASB1995).

I need this power in prayer – and you do too. The entire world needs this type of praying! 

If you haven’t read the previous three Interruptions (#767, #768, and #769) – take a vacation day today and spend the morning reading the four Interruptions on what I call The Prayer Warrior’s Prayer.

In review, The Prayer Warrior’s Prayer is found in Ephesians 3:14-21. Paul wrote this prayer for the Ephesian church, but I believe all of us need to learn to pray this way in today’s compromised, confused, and conflict-filled world.

There are nine principles of receiving “beyond what we ask or think” answers to our prayers. I’ve covered eight of them in the other Interruptions

Submission, heritage, wealth, power, Christ in us, love, truth, knowledge, and today… filled to the fullness.

One author writes about these nine principles…

Consider a majestic palace with one magnificent room leading to another until you arrive at the throne room.

The throne room is the last aspect of this prayer.

That you may be filled up to all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19, NASB1995).

Nothing in life compares with being filled up to the fullness of God. Paul writes about “fullness” in Galatians by describing the fruit of the Spirit as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

How many of us want a “fullness” of love, joy, and peace? Life is miserable, decadent, and depressed without the fruit or fullness of God’s Spirit. I want an abundance of the fullness of the Spirit. The key to receiving the fruit of the Spirit is taught in The Prayer Warrior’s Prayer.

We must learn to fight in spiritual warfare for victory in fullness!

The Greek word for “fullness” means more than just topping a glass with liquid. It means “filled to overflowing.” Place a glass under a faucet and turn on the water. When the water flows over the lip of the glass, turn up the water volume allowing the water to overflow. (Make sure the glass is in the kitchen sink or you will have a mess!!)

This is the “fullness” of the “fruit of the Spirit.” It’s not just about having love, joy, and peace (and the other fruit) but about the Spirit overflowing from us to the lives of others. In your presence, they get splashed with the Spirit as they see your love, joy, and peace!


Yesterday, after having written about abundant praying, I went to my accountant. I filed my taxes late this year and I was going to sign my returns. Normally this isn’t a pleasant “being filled with the Spirit” moment for me.

But I had the joy of the Lord.  

I didn’t really care how much I owed or received back. Another man entered the elevator with me and asked, “Why do you have such joy?” I didn’t know that I had such joy. I guess it just showed on my countenance.

I replied, “Jesus is in heaven and He is praying for me!” The young man replied, “Amen, I believe that for me too.”

We almost started singing and dancing on the elevator on the way to the accountant’s office. But I don’t sing, and I don’t dance, so we just smiled after this moment of fellowship in the joy of the Lord.

I need more of these moments in my life – exceedingly abundantly more of these moments.

We all need these moments.

Let’s learn to pray The Prayer Warrior’s Prayer.