The Prayer Warrior’s Prayer, Part 3

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Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us (Ephesians 3:20, NASB1995).

I’ve heard many congregational meetings conclude when someone said, “Let’s say the Lord’s Prayer.” In 2000, a little book entitled The Prayer of Jabez, based upon a prayer found in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, was a bestseller.

The Lord’s Prayer has been famous through the ages and the Prayer of Jabez can be purchased on Amazon today.

But Ephesians 3:14-21, the most empowering and instructive prayer in the Bible, hasn’t received the credit to assert its rightful place amid world-changing prayers. 

Until now!

In Interruptions #767 and #768 (the past two days), today in Interruption #769, and tomorrow in #770, we examine The Prayer Warrior’s Prayer. I hope that all of us realize it’s possible to pray “far more abundantly” than we previously thought.

There are nine secrets to abundant praying in Ephesians 3. Below are three more keys to great praying.

  1. Understand Love

Be rooted and grounded in love (v. 17).

Love confused is the cause of many unanswered prayers!

Biblical love is holy and results in judgment. God loves us but His holiness, His defined existence, must be upheld for life to flourish. God’s love created us and saved us, but we must choose Him.

At the core of love is a choice. When we walk toward holiness or decide to walk away from godliness, we choose! Free-will! We decide which direction to go and then live with the consequences.

Those who love God more than the ways of this world will pray without limitation.

  1. Hold Tightly What You Know!

Be able to comprehend [hold tightly] with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth (v. 18).

N.T. Wright, a leading New Testament scholar, when asked about changing the definition of marriage, said, “The church has held one definition of marriage for over two thousand years.” 

In the Greek, “comprehend” means “hold tightly.”  

In my meditations on this prayer, I thought for many years that “breadth, length, height, and depth” meant mystery. But “comprehend” or “hold tightly” implies … “the specifics that we have learned from the mysteries of God must be held tightly.”

Doctrines like grace, the books of the Bible, the definition of marriage, and the Trinity are “hold tightly” doctrines.

Prayers exceeding our imagination will be answered when we protect and stand upon the “comprehended” truths of past generations of believers.

  1. Know What Surpasses Knowledge

Know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge (v. 19).

Huh! Know what surpasses knowledge. How is that possible? 

Each of us is given personal revelation from God. The Greek word for “knowledge” means “personal revelation.” You might interpret v. 19 as …

What God has revealed to you personally from the depth of his wisdom – live your life accordingly. 

Once God has revealed your gifting and calling, requests based upon this narrow path – God’s will – will be … well … supercharged!

Okay almost finished. Of the nine principles for abundant answers to our prayers, we have covered …

Submission, heritage, wealth, power, Christ in us, love, truth, knowledge, and finally, tomorrow … fullness.

The Prayer Warrior’s Prayer!