The OG on Drones

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And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And here on earth the nations will be in turmoil (Luke 21:25, NLT).

I have a negative attitude about drones. Last year, I purchased a drone for my wife. She has not been to New Jersey lately; however, we do live close to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.


But Barbara has no culpability in recent drone sightings, as her drone — the one I purchased last year — could hardly fly. And when it finally went airborne, it wouldn’t listen to commands from my wife’s phone*.  

I paid good money for an obstinate drone — thus, my dislike of drones.

Since late summer, mysterious drones have been appearing on the East Coast, and this week, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base shut down airspace for about four hours. 

No one seems to know what they are, and no one is taking credit (perhaps my wife’s rebellious drone has joined other rebellious drones for nefarious purposes). 

Below are quotes from a Wall Street Journal article on October 22, 2024. . .  

U.S. Air Force Gen. Mark Kelly wasn’t sure what to make of reports that a suspicious fleet of unidentified aircraft had been flying over Langley Air Force Base on Virginia’s shoreline. Kelly, a decorated senior commander at the base, got on a squadron rooftop to see for himself.

The first drone arrived shortly. Kelly, a career fighter pilot, estimated it was roughly 20 feet long and flying at more than 100 miles an hour at an altitude of roughly 3,000 to 4,000 feet. Other drones followed one by one, sounding in the distance like a parade of lawnmowers.

Since October, there have been hundreds of sightings in the Eastern U.S., Florida, Ohio, and even other countries. What’s happening? Below are some explanations with my “OG” or Old Guy comments.

  • People are hallucinating.  Perhaps, especially old hippies like me who used to take LSD, but while some sightings could be low-flying airplanes, when certified Air Force pilots can’t identify them, the OG gives this theory two thumbs down.
  • Aliens.  Could be. Many believe in UFOs (now called UAPs for “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”). Still, these sightings usually involve a white orb that can fly into the water, hover, go up and down, or go in any direction with unbelievable speed. But a drone with four rotating blades going 100 mph seems a downgrade in technology. So, the OG gives this idea one thumb up and one thumb down.
  • Iran, Russia, and China conspiracy.  The drones are sophisticated and arrive in numbers, suggesting a substantial checking account balance. Also, there have been suggestions of drones being released by Iranian ships in the Atlantic Ocean (not sure how this works for Ohio). I give this idea a thumb up and a thumb down. I would probably give it two thumbs up if someone suggests Elon Musk.
  • The U.S. government.  By elimination (the other sources have pitfalls), I’d go with a secret program somehow embedded in the government. I could be wrong, so the OG gives this idea one thumb up and one thumb halfway up. 

Jesus says that in the end, there will be strange things happening with the sun, moon, and stars, and we can also surmise in the sky above our heads. 

Ultimately, the strange and bizarre, destructive weather, wars, degrading morals, passions out of control, and false teachings of today indicate the soon end of times predicted in the Bible.

Let’s not be distracted; let’s disciple the nations.

*If anyone sees a lonely drone seemingly lost, please yell at it to return home to my wife.

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