The Details!

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Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! (Philippians 4:4, NASB1995)

Note:  This Interruption is #999. Add 1, and the next Interruption will be #1,000. HHHHMMMHHM . . . 1,000 Interruptions

Let me give you some details.

  • I get up early most mornings and write. I rarely know what I’m going to say until I start writing. If the Interruptions seem random, they are, as I ask the Spirit to lead each morning.
  • My first Interruption was written in mid-March 2020. I had just arrived home from Israel. The staff at the church I pastored then encouraged me to stay home for two weeks because of potential exposure to COVID-19 while traveling. Oh, how much we have learned since the first inklings of the Corona Virus.

I began writing Interruptions as a means to stay in touch with staff and church members.

  • The average time that I spend on an Interruption is an hour and a half. One thousand times 1.5 is 1,500 hours. Divided by an average work week of 40 hours, I have spent 37.5 weeks writing this blog since March 2020.
  • Soon after I began writing Interruptions, Sharon Wildman began editing them.  

My brain’s wired so that when I re-read an Interruption after writing it, I see only what I wanted to write. The mistakes in grammar and spelling don’t register in my brain.

Sharon has been the editorial savior of Interruptions.

  • After I write and Sharon edits, my wife adds graphics and posts them to our email distribution service. Where would a good pastor be without his wife?

Some questions that I have been asked about Interruptions: (Answers are in red!).

  • When will you stop writing Interruptions? I don’t know.
  • What is the exact definition of HHHHMMMHHM? HHHHMMMHHM!
  • What are your favorite Interruptions? Interruptions #1 through #999 and soon #1,000.
  • What are the satisfying results of writing Interruptions? When I get responses of encouragement from you! Also, I’ve asked twice in Interruptions for financial help for overseas pastors. You have generously helped a church in Nigeria put a roof on their church building and, recently, financially helped an orphanage in India. Thanks!

While writing Interruptions, I try to do three things:

  1. Stay faithful to, explain, and defend God’s Word!!!
  2. Give practical insight into living powerfully in the Spirit.
  3. Have fun!

Thanks for being an Interruptions reader.  

Please send me the names of others that you know who would benefit from reading this blog. I will add them to the email list, and they will learn about the OGV of the Bible (Old Guy Version) and the dangerous nature of cats.

Now back to Interruptions #1000.  

Like my wife waiting for a new season of Outlander, I know you have been waiting and almost clamoring to read #1000. However, after writing Interruption #999, I left for vacation.

Expect #1000 on August 1. What!!!????

Yes, be patient, learn to wait, and do not deny the faith. Starting tomorrow through July 31, you will receive interrupted Interruptions or Interruptions that have been sent previously.

Please read them. You may not have already read them, but if you have, you should read them again.

And think good thoughts about my wife and me – on a nice beach somewhere!

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