The Deep Things Of God

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But God now unveils His profound realities/things/mysteries to us by the Spirit. Yes, he has revealed to us his inmost heart and the realities/things/mysteries – the deep things of God – through the Holy Spirit.  1 Corinthians 2:10 TPT and OGV (a combined version)

My favorite conversations with others are about the realities/things/mysteries of the Spirit – the deep things of God.

In-depth talks usually begin with, “I read this in the Bible” or “Do you know what I learned today?” but also “God spoke to me today” or “I’m so upset.” All of these can be the beginning of a “deep things” conversation.

Conversations that start with the weather and end with talking about the rest of the day are okay, but I want to go deeper. I want to ask, “What is God asking you to do today?”  Try this today: Ask, after the weather comment, “What does God want you to do today?”

The deep things of God aren’t necessarily complex doctrines. God reveals His mysteries through obedience. Yes, by following Jesus.

What God asked Moses to do one day:

God told Moses to set His people free. They didn’t discuss the probability of a tree burning without being consumed by fire. Moses learned, at the end of the conversation as he was deciding to obey – a deep thing of God – that His name was “I AM.”

God, the sum of all existence – I AM. You can’t get a deeper lesson. I would have blown this lesson if I had encountered a burning bush by asking a few hundred questions about how a bush could burn without burning up.

Sort of like getting lost in whether a person can lose their salvation when we have been given the Great Commission to go and disciple.

What God asked Ananias to do one day:

Saul was lying on the ground blind.

The men traveling with him were stunned, as they had heard a voice but had seen nothing. Now their leader was on the ground blind.

They brought him to Damascus and left him.

Ananias was a normal just-like-you follower of Jesus. As he finished breakfast one morning, Jesus spoke to him, “Go to Straight Street and lay your hands on a man named Saul.”

Ananias responded, “Are you nuts?” (He probably didn’t say this, but I bet he thought it.) Instead, Ananias said, “Wasn’t Saul the man sent here to imprison and kill Christians?” 

Jesus replied, “He is my chosen instrument. He has seen a vision that you will come to pray for him so that he can see again.”

Ananias obeyed, went to Straight Street, and laid hands on the man who became Paul.

The beginning of a typical day for Ananias when God asked him to do something.

The day ended with Ananias helping to initiate the ministry of the most influential Christian in history. Ananias, then Saul to Paul, the book of Romans, other books of the New Testament, the gospel preached, and churches started throughout the Roman Empire.

The deep things of God – things, realities, mysteries! Hearing and obeying. What is God asking you to do today?

What has God asked me to do today? Go to the entire world making disciples! How about you?

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