The Cure For Anxiety

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Consider humility as a cure for anxiety.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you (1 Peter 5:6-7, ESV).

Anxiety costs a lot of money.  

It’s estimated that 30 percent of Americans are affected by anxiety – with medical costs of 45 billion dollars each year. An individual with anxiety could spend up to 200 dollars per appointment with a counselor and a monthly prescription of Zoloft (without insurance) will cost 350 dollars per month.

Considering the economic cost for treating anxiety, humility is a great deal.

I have difficulty being a humble person, and everyone that I know will shout, “Amen!” 

When I’m convicted to become humble, I can’t figure it out. Do I get up in the morning and announce to my wife, “Barbara, I am going to be humble today.”?

Her reaction? An eye roll combined with her patented “Yeah, right” laugh.

I have anxiety, and you either have anxiety now or will have it at some point in your life. The Bible teaches humility as the means for casting anxiety on the Lord, and anxiety properly cast, brings you into God’s presence.  

Anxiety doesn’t dwell in the presence of the Lord. 

In the Greek, humble yourselves can be translated total dependence upon God in specific tasks. Anxiety means distracted or drawn in differing directions. We hear God’s command and then consider whether we can or should obey.

Anxiety grows in the cracks of this double-mindedness.

Anxiety tempts me to take my focus from God to my fears. God’s voice challenges me to confront fear through specific acts of obedience. Our flesh then goes back and forth between our weakness and God’s power.

In humility or total dependence, we decide to obey. Casting aside our fear, we find God’s care.

Walking our path, God calls, and we obey. We need strength for this obedience and find it in God. Saying, “I want to be humble,” leaves you considering, “How?” By obeying God’s will, we connect with God’s power.

Humility is a by-product. He is great and we are not. God’s perfect and powerful love makes it easy for us to cast aside our anxiety.

Read 1 Peter 5:6-7 again: 

Depend totally upon God’s mighty hand. Focus on the care of God as you obey Him in daily tasks. You will find there is no need for worry or anxiety because He gives you strength for victory (OGV).

From this insight in scripture, I should say to my wife in the morning, “I’m going to ride my bicycle 40 miles today.” That’s a humble and specific means by which to control my cholesterol – and anxiety from elevated levels.

Barbara won’t roll her eyes either. I will need God’s miraculous power at mile 34, when I’m dehydrated and considering selling my bike for pennies on the dollar.

Humbly casting anxiety by tithing releases your money worries. Confession and confrontation reduce relational breakups from bitterness and anger. God’s presence is God’s care. Anxiety is the root cause of 85 percent of physical illnesses. 

As one saint said, “Humility is letting go and letting God.”

I hope the weather gets better for a long bike ride.