The 90-Day Challenge!

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[Note: Like waiting for Christmas morning as a child is like waiting for the upcoming 1000th Interruption!]

Do we need to change something in our life? Do we desire to add a needed discipline? Try a 90-day challenge.

Dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice — the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him (Romans 12:1, NLT).

We all need to change or add something to our lives. The first 90 days are important. We need a plan and the power of the Spirit!

Let’s consider 90 days.  

Studies show it takes 90 days for a habit to form, corporations know that an employee needs to become productive within 90 days, and one recent popular book on leadership advises whatever we learn is best learned in 90-day cycles.  

A quick examination of the internet will find many companies claiming you can learn a language in 90 days.

With the upcoming 90-day challenge, let’s not overdo it. (I’m assuming you will take the challenge.)

We aren’t going to become millionaires, get in shape to win the Tour de France or memorize the entire book of Psalms. But we can begin a budget, determine to ride a bike several times a week or memorize Psalm 25.

In just 90 days, we can form a new habit that will have great impact.


  1. Focus on a specific goal.  You can’t cut a tree with a dull axe. Have a focused and specific goal. Ask this question, “God, what is the one thing that I need to change the most in my life?”  
  1. Have fun.  We are motivated by joy. How can we make our 90-day new habit enjoyable? Ask a friend to take the challenge with you? Ask me to give you one million dollars if you accomplish it? (The answer is “no.”)
  1. Schedule it.  Set specific dates and goals. Good intentions are lost if not committed to our calendars.

I’ve found that 90-day cycles are essential to life change. We find that 80 percent of those who decide to follow Jesus walk away from faithfulness within 90 days. 

The difference between mere self-improvement and life in the Spirit is understanding how the Spirit works. New disciplines in our lives should start with a conviction of the Spirit, then we ask for wisdom for our 90-day challenge, and, finally, we ask God for strength.

A 90-day challenge without asking for power leaves the Spirit on the sidelines. We tire quickly without the power of Jesus.

Let’s be filled with the Spirit in our 90-day cycle of change.

Understanding 90-day cycles is new for educators and business leaders but not for God. He is so excited about you losing 15 pounds or memorizing Psalm 25 that we have this promise . . .  

God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him (Philippians 2:13, NLT).

90 days!

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