Spiritual Gift Of Giving Money

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. . . If it is giving, give generously (Romans 12:8, NLT).

There are about 21 spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament. That’s my count. One commentator had 22 and another 24 – but I believe they’ve forgotten how to count.

Okay, a moment of honesty, and please forgive me in advance.  

When I was a pastor, I enjoyed church members with the gift of giving money. I also appreciated the gifts of teaching and serving, but those with the gift of giving money were generous in other ways.

Members who gave liberally had a generous and fun attitude!

They freely gave money, encouragement, and laughter. And all are needed in any church.

We are encouraged to be faithful with tithes and offerings (Malachi 3:8-11), but the Spirit gives the spiritual gift of giving to bless and help the church make forward strides in discipling the nations.

Do you have the gift of giving?  

With the gift of preaching, administration, or many other gifts, we have the gift, or we don’t have the gift, and if we try to walk in the gift of worship without the ability to sing, as Paul writes . . . 

Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves (Romans 12:3),

However, with the gift of giving, it’s available to everyone. Just start giving.

Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full – pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back (Luke 6:38).

The Bible teaches that believers with meager resources can give themselves into a gift of giving. With generosity, we will find that we can’t outgive God. I challenge all of us to strive for the gift of giving.

Yes, this gift of giving includes time and other talents, but it involves money too. A generous soul impacts everything in our lives. Paul writes that God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7).

The average American gives 916 dollars a year, while the average conservative believer gives 2,000 dollars a year. A society that ridicules and snuffs out the Christian faith will find all its charitable organizations suffering – an unintended consequence of attacking Christianity.

People give because of who they are.

Sixty-two percent of generous givers constantly think about how they can give back. This influences all their behavior, including relationships. Only 32 percent of non-givers consider how to give.  

Generous givers are happy.

One final point. Those with high incomes give more of both their time and money than those with lower incomes. I realize that those of lower income may struggle with tithes and offerings while also dealing with inflation and increasing taxes.  

But let’s consider another Biblical fact . . . 

God gives back – exponentially more – to those who give. In God’s economy, those who tithe 10 thousand dollars a year might be blessed by God so that they can tithe and give offerings from 300 thousand dollars a year.

With few resources now, you can determine to become a high-capacity giver by faithfulness with the little that you have currently.

God will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous (2 Corinthians 9:10-11).

Of all the 21 (or 22 or 24) gifts in the Bible, I want the gift of giving. How about you?

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