Singing Praise Is Scientific

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We walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Michael Guillen is a name that you should know. His book, Believing is Seeing, written in 2021, is one that you should read.

Why? It is a thoroughly scientific book proving the validity of New Testament thought.

The book turns upside down the traditional scientific motto of seeing is believing, explaining that there are many things that we can’t see but still believe in and that science is now discovering that there are many things we will never see, and yet proper science must believe in their existence.

His challenge to anyone who disbelieves in God: 

Unless you’re willing to believe that something might be true, you’ll never bother to investigate and see for yourself whether it is true (or not). You’ll remain in a state of confident ignorance.

Yep, Guillen makes the point in this book that if you do not believe in New Testament thought, you are in a state of confident ignorance

Not me, I believe. How about you?

Michael Guillen brings this challenge:

You might pride yourself on being a smart, sophisticated, modern-day person with a smart, sophisticated, modern-day worldview, but don’t kid yourself. Your worldview is not based on logic. It is based on faith. That’s right: faith. Like everyone else’s worldview – including mine – yours is ultimately based on what you believe to be true, on ideas and feelings that cannot ever be proved.

Guillen isn’t a loon with a mail-in degree. He earned a 3D Ph.D. in physics, mathematics, and astronomy from Cornell University – at the same time. And you should take note, considering Guillen’s achievements, that I graduated from college.

He writes two quotes from differing parts of his book that explain his title of Believing is Seeing.

First quote:

Get this: Together, dark matter and dark energy seem to constitute 95 percent of the entire universe. That’s right, scientists now believe that 95 percent of the universe is invisible to us.

Second quote:

I lived by the trusty adage that seeing is believing. I refused to believe in anything I couldn’t actually see and that couldn’t be proved. But that worldview was now out the window because science had discovered that what we are able to “see” – what we’re able to prove the existence of – is only a small fraction of what’s out there. The missing-mass problem made me realize that if I stuck with my hard-nosed, scientific worldview – if I insisted that “seeing is believing” – then I’d be turning a blind eye to 95 percent of what’s out there in the universe. Clearly, my worldview was too narrow-minded for the cosmos.

Yep, one of the most respected scientists living today just said that the scientific method of observation to fact (or theory) is narrow-minded. 

I am memorizing Psalm 111. Verse 2 says:

Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them.

The works of the Lord are much more than we anticipated. What we see on a starry night or observe through a microscope is only 5 percent of this universe. 

When I sing Hallelujah! to God on Sunday, in a sense, I’m being more scientific than an atheist.