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‘And it shall be in the last days,’ God says, ‘That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and your daughters will prophesy, And your young men will see visions, And your old men will have dreams (Acts 2:17, NASB).

I became a Christian during the Jesus Movement in the 1970s.

Set free from a drug-induced paranoia, I began sharing Jesus—for the first time with friends from high school when I invited 16 to my parents’ house, where I told how Jesus had set me free—and all 16 accepted Jesus. 

During the first three years of my walk with Jesus, I estimate that 50 percent of those I talked with about Jesus became followers.

My focus during the Jesus Movement was Springfield, Ohio. But the same phenomenon of spontaneous sharing and accepting of Jesus revived youth around the country. I believe about 12 million youth started a relationship with our Lord.

And deciding to follow Jesus, these new believers changed the country.

During the latter 1960s, the United States was divided politically. Liberal Christians decried the legitimacy of the Bible, and too often, conservative Christians just argued with one another about arcane points of doctrine.

Meanwhile, the slogan “Burn Baby Burn” was being chanted across college campuses as ROTC buildings were set aflame.

It all seemed hopeless until 12 million youth accepted Jesus. 

As a result, almost all denominations reemphasized Jesus and a relationship with the Father in heaven through the Holy Spirit. Churches were planted along with new denominations and mission movements.

The power of revival changes society quickly. But how about now?  

With fractured politics and decreasing church attendance, is it possible to have another revival? I don’t understand God’s timetable, but Scripture does point to a monstrous “latter-day” revival.

Therefore be patient, brothers and sisters, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near (James 5:7-8, NASB).

We should all focus our prayers on this revival. It’s needed now.

Recently, some Ohio State football players hosted an on-campus faith event where former and current players talked about their relationship with Jesus. 

One player spoke about an encounter with God, “The world didn’t give me this joy, the world can’t take it away.  I had this new feeling in my heart that the Holy Spirit implanted in me.”  

Another player said, “Jesus changed my life, set me free from my sin, made me holy, and made me righteous.”

The gathering attracted thousands of students, and the crowd grew throughout the night. Many came forward to accept Jesus, and late into the night, students were baptized.

Wow. Let the latter-day rain continue to fall, Lord Jesus. And I’m even praying for Michigan to get a good dose of the Holy Spirit.

For more information about the recent revival at Ohio State, follow these links:

God is doing amazing things at Ohio State

and …

Ohio State football players host on-campus faith event

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