Revival! Disciplers Needed!

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Then Jesus said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:38, NASB1995).

I just heard from my pastor friend who has been working in Ukraine. The title of his e-news was “Revival Amongst War.” He writes…

The church opened its doors. The sanctuary and halls became filled with people who stayed through the night and did not want to go home. The church before the war had 200 people and now 5,000 attend. 

One day last week, I visited this church when a group of 100 men showed up. Their factory had been bombed and they came to pray. The Bishop of the church asked me to share Jesus with them. I gave a short and simple message and when I asked them to stand up to accept Jesus – all of them stood up.

I believe many Americans are praying for revival in the United States. The Bible says that in the end-times there will be increasing tribulation in both intensity and frequency.  

I’m praying for revival too.

I’ve personally witnessed three revivals – one in Cuba, where I visited a church of 70,000 that met in small groups; one in St. Petersburg, Russia, in which 700,000 Russians accepted Jesus in three years; and one in the early 70s with 10 to 12 million young (mostly hippies) coming to know Jesus.

We read that the great revival in the book of Acts chapters one and two, came amidst persecution and martyrdom – ending with the church forced from Jerusalem to be scattered as seeds planting the word of Jesus throughout the world.

One thing is common – turmoil brings revival!

Throughout history most revivals came from times of distress. At the onset of the corona virus, the most searched topic in America on Google was “prayer.”

I believe that there will a latter-day revival in America – the Bible talks about a “latter-day rain” (James 5:7-8, Hosea 6:1-3, & Joel 2:1-32). Joel predicts this latter-day rain will come through a time of great tribulation!

I believe what we witness in Ukraine – great revival out of great difficulty – will happen around the world, including the United States.

In fact, I believe the greatest revival in history will happen right before the Lord returns. What we are seeing in Ukraine is a prophetic precursor and warning to the church in the United States and around the world – to be ready.

The Lord is returning soon.

How do we respond? Jesus says, “Pray that workers will be sent.”

As I left 49 years of ministry in one church, I felt that the Lord had called me to train disciplers. The original commission of Jesus to the church in Matthew 28 “to make disciples” is needed today to be ready for revival.

Statistics show that 95 percent of those accepting Jesus during a revival walk away from faithfulness.

Workers are needed for one-on-one discipleship in the end-times revival. What can you do to prepare for the end-times?

Become a discipler!

And pray.