Releasing Grace

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The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen (Revelation 22:21, NASB).

God’s grace is unlimited, but it must be released.

All followers of Jesus would agree that the grace of God is sufficient. Those of us who experienced deliverance received forgiveness, or had hope restored despite death – we know God’s grace by close encounters.

God’s grace is abundant, but after salvation, God mostly uses us to release it. If the faucet of our faith is corroded, grace can’t flow freely.

In my book, Leaper, Spanner, Paver, I discuss the Hoover Dam. At capacity, it holds back 248 square miles of water. To release all of this water, let’s consider if the design engineers put one spigot the same size as our garden hose.


How about your faith? Is it rusted? Do you turn it to full capacity? Lake Mead, the reservoir of water held back by the Hoover Dam, shrunken by drought the past few years, is now at 36 percent of capacity.

That’s still a lot of water. 

God’s grace is more abundant than a full Lake Mead, in fact, of greater capacity than all the water on earth. And God’s grace never suffers a drought.

Let’s consider your faith.  

It can limit or release God’s grace. There is no problem with God, but with our releasing God’s grace. Because of sin, anger, lack of praying, and too often indifference, rarely is God’s grace fully released. 

Our spigot is sized by our faith – small or large. It can be corroded by bitterness or not fully opened by a lack of obedience.

James encourages you to open your faith:  The prayer of faith will restore the one who is sick… (James 5:15).

Jesus encourages us to open the floodgates:  Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door shall be opened (Matthew 7:7).

Paul, who was taken into heaven to witness the reservoir of God’s grace, repeats the words that God spoke to him:  My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Increased release of God’s grace comes through daily acts of obedience. When you learn to listen and obey, your faith grows.  

Yesterday, I was at a fitness place. Normally, I ignore people and they also ignore me; we exercise, we don’t talk. But a man I knew was exercising. I had heard that he was experiencing back pain. I asked him if I could pray for his back. He immediately agreed. I prayed. God’s grace was released. 

Today, look for an opportunity to release God’s grace in action, conversation, or prayer. There is no problem with God’s capacity. Let’s fully open the spigot.

I pray daily for an end-time fire hose of God’s power to bring latter rain and revival throughout the world!