Psalms On Saturday ~ Psalm 72

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There are two scholastic opinions about Psalm 72.

Some believe that the Psalm was written by Solomon about himself (sort of egotistical, I think). So, I’m going with the second option, that King David wrote this Psalm as a hopeful prophecy for his son, King Solomon.

I believe that we should pray for our children and grandchildren. How should we pray for our children? Psalm 72 gives us a guide to form our requests. 

Please note that the verses of Psalm 72 in this Interruption are entirely in the Old Guy Version (OGV) or how I interpret these verses as I pray for my children and grandchildren.

May their life calling bring prosperity to them (v. 3, OGV).

We must pray — and help — our children and grandchildren find God’s calling. Their prosperity and peace will come from fulfilling His will.

May they defend the cause of the poor and look for opportunities to help the needy (v. 4, OGV).

I want my children and grandchildren to have soft hearts for orphans, widows, immigrants, the sick, third-world needs, and the spiritually bankrupt. Happiness is found in generosity.

May they fear God their entire lives (v. 5, OGV).

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Too many mistakes in life and culture are made by considering love is God rather than understanding that God is love and love is formed in righteousness.

May they have dominion in their assignment (v. 8, OGV).

Our battle isn’t against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. Parents and grandparents should pray in the Spirit for their children and grandchildren — they should also take opportunities to teach them spiritual warfare.

May their enemies flee, and they find victory over their oppressors (vv. 9-11, OGV).

Life has struggles. May our children and grandchildren learn the perseverance and patience to overcome. May they learn to wait upon the Lord, as we pray they endure through trials to deepen their joy of the Lord.

May the Lord deliver them from oppression and persecution. May they stand during spiritual assaults. Let them know they are precious in God’s sight (v. 14, OGV).

I desire my children and grandchildren to become latter-day warriors in prayer and righteousness. I want them to learn to walk in faith.

As you read Psalm 72, please note three layers of meaning — King David for his son King Solomon, King David describing Jesus who is King of Kings, and as a guide for us to pray that our children and grandchildren will rule with Christ for all eternity.

As the Psalm concludes …

Blessed be the Lord, who alone does wondrous things. Blessed be His glorious name forever, and may the whole earth be filled with His glory.

Amen and Amen! Peace out.

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