Psalms On Saturday ~ Psalm 47 Awesome!

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Come, everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise! (v. 1, NLT)

This Psalm was written to be shouted.  

It’s not subtle and not meant for contemplation in the sanctuary of a monastery. In fact, if you responded to this Psalm appropriately you would be kicked out of the monastery or perhaps from your church service.

This Psalm is meant to be sung or shouted in the company of a raucous crowd after “your team” has won the Super Bowl – or its equivalent from your perspective!

For the Lord Most High is awesome (v. 2).

How many times have you heard someone say, “God is awesome”?  

The number one worship song for the past 50 years is entitled Awesome God by Rich Mullins.

In our conversations, we often leave out the word “God” and just say, “Awesome!” I once listened to a person who said awesome in every sentence, “That’s awesome,” or just plain, “Awesome.” It was annoying – but Psalm 47 says, “Awesome,” and the rest of the Psalm is… well…


He subdues the nations before us, putting our enemies beneath our feet (v. 3).

Think, current context of a Ukrainian – or a country just attacked by enemies.  

He chose the Promised Land as our inheritance (v. 4).

Consider, God’s eternal purposes in all struggles. There is a Promised Land!

Now get ready; the Psalmist was just warming up in verses 1 to 4 to shout verses 5 to 7…

God has ascended.

The Lord has ascended with trumpets blaring.

Sing praises, sing praises.

God is king over all the earth.

Praise with this Psalm!

Again – Awesome!

All scripture points to one conclusion about politics…

God reigns above the nations, sitting on His holy throne.

And Psalm 47 gives a warning to all tyrants, dictators, and to each one of us…

The rulers of the world have gathered together, for all the kings of the earth belong to God (v. 9).

I love Psalm 47; it is a Psalm meant to be shouted because of victory!  

God is in charge, no matter the situation that you find yourself in right now. All world events, the confusing protests, and the blatant public manifestations of evil – in all of this, we are reminded that soon…

God will be honored everywhere (v. 9).

Let’s say it together, “Awesome!”

Again, “Awesome!”