Psalms On Saturday ~ Psalm 25: My Psalm!

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To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, in You I trust (Psalm 25:1, NASB1995).

For Interruptions, I usually blog a Psalm on Saturday. Today is Saturday, and I’m writing about Psalm 25.

I call Psalm 25 “My Psalm.” Why?

Though I’ve written an Interruption on 115 of the 150 Psalms, Psalm 25 was the first Psalm that I memorized. I’ve meditated on it during devotions, on walks, sitting on a beach, driving a car, hiking in the mountains, and in hotel rooms around the world.

You get the point: Psalm 25 has influenced my life. It’s my Psalm. Below are a few lessons I’ve learned. 

Make me know Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths (v. 4). 

After accepting the Lord over 50 years ago, I never wanted the status quo to define my walk with Jesus. I wanted God to “make me know His ways.” I gave Him permission to work in my life.

Have you asked God, “Make me know your ways?”

Remember, O Lord, Your compassion and Your lovingkindnesses, For they have been from of old (v. 6).

This verse gave me permission to try and fail. 

I have big ideas, and though I’ve tried to stop them or at least slow them down, they keep entering my spirit and soul. I get ideas during my devotions, listening to sermons, while preaching a sermon, reading a book, or in a conversation.

Ideas, ideas, and more ideas.  

They drive me crazy, and often those working with me too. An idea today and another tomorrow—it’s hard to keep up.

My eyes are continually toward the Lord, For He will pluck my feet out of the net (v. 15).

Early in my walk with Jesus, I knew that my faith would challenge others. That I would face resistance from those accustomed to having control of their lives, and that I should keep asking God to… 

Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day (v. 5).

I’ve learned not to demean or bemoan my grand ideas but also to wait for Him. Then my goals become easy to accomplish.

When I fail, I review…

For Your name’s sake, O Lord, Pardon my iniquity, for it is great (v. 11).

And I fail often. Walking in radical faith isn’t about perfection (we aren’t perfect); it’s about a willingness to fail. Let me repeat this thought:

Walking in radical faith isn’t about being right or succeeding in every venture; it’s having a willingness to fail.

We have false motives that cause failure, and we overstep our grace with negative consequences. But Psalm 25 says that I shouldn’t let mistakes, what others think, or ensuing difficulties impede my faith.

The Christan walk is try, try, fail, fail, with increasing victory.

My eyes are continually toward the Lord, For He will pluck my feet out of the net (v. 15).

Palms 25 is my Psalm. I hope it becomes your radical faith Psalm too.

Amen. Peace out!

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