Psalms On Saturday ~ Psalm 16

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Preserve me, O God, for I take refuge in you (Psalm 16:1).

This morning I ate a Power Bar©.  

The advertising on the package said, “Irresistible flavors, nourishing energy, and uncompromising ingredients. An invitation to make your breakthroughs happen.”

What a claim. I loved the bar and its mishmash of both lemon and blueberry. But I’m skeptical of the claims, especially since the ingredients listed include sodium bicarbonate and I have a suspicion that healthy food advocates would consider this a compromised ingredient.

Psalm 16 is the Power Bar of Psalms.

It is for you and your spiritual vitality. The pronoun my is used a dozen times: my Lord, my delight, my pure lips, my inheritance, my cup, my wealth, my heritage, my godly mind, my heart is glad, my glory, my flesh dwelling securely, and my soul not abandoned.

I love the ingredients of this Psalm – and not a single bit of sodium bicarbonate or vegetable glycerin!

Psalm 16 teaches purity of intentions, thoughts, and actions. It warns against false gods and fleshly substitutes for pure joy: 

The sorrows of those who have bartered for another god will be multiplied (v. 4).

The Psalm is filled with promise:

As for the saints who are in the earth, they are majestic and the Lord’s delight (v. 3).

Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me (v. 6).

My mind instructs me in the night (v. 7)

I will not be shaken (v. 8).

My heart is glad and my whole being rejoices and I will be able to control my flesh (v. 9).

I doubt a Luna© or a Clif© power bar can compete with Psalm 16!!!

Verse 11 is one of the greatest in scripture. It contains three blessings for those who walk faithfully without compromise:

First:  God will make you know His path [His will for you]!

Second:  You will dwell in God’s presence, where you will find the fullness of joy.

Third:  True pleasure will be given to you by God’s right hand.

Amen and amen!

Unwrap Psalm 16 this weekend to taste and see that the Lord is good.