Psalms On Saturday ~ Psalm 147

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Praise the Lord! (Psalm 147:1, NASB1995)

Psalm 147 should be read often. More than any other chapter of the Bible, it describes God’s attitude and actions for those who are faithful.

In the 20 verses of this Psalm – about 24 “present action” words are used to describe God’s dealings and favor with His people.

Builds, gathers, heals, binds, counts, gives, great, understanding, supports, brings down, covers, provides, makes, gives, favors, strengthened, blessed, makes peace, satisfies, sends, gives, scatters, casts, causes, and declares.

Considering these blessings, the first and last words of Psalms 147 are the same:  Praise the Lord! (vv. 1 and 20)

Like a Thanksgiving dinner, filled with variety and abundance – think Psalm 147!

Great is our Lord and abundant in strength (v. 5).

He satisfies you with the finest of the wheat (v. 14).

Psalms 147 describes the greatness of God, giving us confidence that He can fulfill His promises.

He counts the numbers of the stars; He gives names to all of them (v. 4).

His understanding is infinite (v. 5).

Who provides rain for the earth (v. 8).

This Psalm is a healing Psalm … 

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (v. 3).

The Lord supports the afflicted (v. 6).

For those who are afflicted and surrounded by enemies, either physical or spiritual, read Psalm 147.

The Lord builds up Jerusalem (v. 2 – Think God’s covenant people – you!).

He has strengthened the bars of your gates (v. 13).

He makes peace in your borders (v. 14).

Many of the Psalms teach the power of God’s Word. Psalm 147 uses unique imagery to describe God’s voice.

He sends forth His command to the earth. His word runs very swiftly (v. 15).

He scatters the frost like ashes. He casts forth His ice as fragments. Who can stand before His cold? He sends forth His word and melts them (vv. 16-17).

Psalm 147 is written to the Israelites after the Babylonian captivity after the city of Jerusalem had been built. Cold, snow, ice, no shelter, and little firewood had been a large part of the lives of those living in Jerusalem for 70 years.

God gave a promise about their greatest need. He sends forth His word and melts them!

What is your greatest stronghold now? Where do you need a breakthrough?

Remember Psalm 147.

Builds, gathers, heals, binds, counts, gives, great, understanding, supports, brings down, covers, provides, makes, gives, favors, strengthened, blessed, makes peace, satisfies, sends, gives, scatters, casts, causes, and declares.

Pick a blessing. Choose a promise and stand on it!

I choose “satisfies.” 

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