Psalms On Saturday ~ Psalm 112: Do Not Fear Bad News

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They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them (Psalm 112:7, NLT).

Do we fear bad news? Is it hard for us to enjoy good times because there’s a foreboding shadow of “when will the other shoe drop?”

Psalms 112 talks about two types of fear.  

One type of fear will enable a worry-free life, while the other fear will consume our peace. We can live fearing God or live free of God but consumed by fear.

Our choice.

How joyful are those who fear the Lord and delight in obeying his commands (v. 1).

What will be the result of a life of fearing God?

Their children will be successful everywhere (v. 2a).

They themselves will be wealthy (v. 3a).

They are confident and fearless (v. 8a).

By fearing God, we live according to His law and receive blessings. When we study, we get the reward of knowledge. When we practice, we become Caitlin Clark. When we invest wisely, Warren Buffet calls us for advice!

By not fearing God, we are given to our impulses. We exchange love for lust and lose the benefits of lasting relationships. We focus on money and release the ungodliness of wanton greed.  

With the fear of God, we have His power and resources; without fearing God, we live alone in our own strength.

Psalm 112 continues to describe those who fear God…

Such people will not be overcome by evil (v. 6a).

They are confident and fearless (v. 8a).

They will have influence and honor (v. 9b).

Fearing God is the secret to peace. Our culture teaches a doubt that releases freedom without restraint. As Proverbs 29:18 reads, “When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful.”

How do we fear God?

First, know it’s a good thing. Second, ask God to increase your love for Him. Third, hear and obey His assignments.

As we read Psalm 112, we note that learning the fear of God is coupled with becoming generous. 

 They are generous, compassionate, and righteous (v. 4b).

They share freely and give generously to those in need (v. 9a).

It’s fascinating that we can’t get too far in a study of godliness and joy without encountering the need for generosity: from the sacrifices at the temple to the sacrifice of Jesus to the sacrifice of our total lives and all that we own.

When we give everything to God—when we trust Him completely—there is nothing left to fear.

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