Psalms On Saturday ~ Psalm 11

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In the Lord I take refuge (Psalm 11:1, ESV).

Do we have refuge? If not, we should build one because, with the intensity of trials and tribulations in the end times, it will be needed.

King David needed refuge. His enemies were approaching, and it wasn’t safe in Jerusalem. But he knew exactly where to go. He writes, “In the Lord I take refuge.”

His friends and advisors told David . . .  

Flee as a bird to your mountain! (v. 1)

David’s response . . . 

Running isn’t going to work; my enemies can just bend the bow with an arrow and shoot the upright in the heart during a retreat (v. 2, OGV).

Psalm 11 describes a stronghold — a refuge — that can be found anywhere and at any time. It can be found in our office, in a prison cell, and while confronting verbal or physical assault.

This refuge is unassailable to our enemies. Do we have one?

To build a refuge, we must have a firm foundation . . .  

If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? (v. 3).

There are four foundational disciplines of the Christian faith: Bible, prayer, fellowship, and disciple-making.  

When we understand and obey the Word of God, when we have confidence in God answering our specific prayers, when we know our calling and are supported by other believers, and when we experience God working through us in our disciple-making . . . 

We won’t stumble in times of trial. We won’t be afraid. We will have wisdom to respond appropriately in any situation.

Do we have the right foundation for refuge? Have we compromised God’s Word with progressive rhetoric? Have we stopped a conversant relationship with God through prayer? Have we stopped attending church? Have we been discipled and are now discipling others?

Too many believers answer no. How about you? Again, do we have a stronghold that will endure difficulty?

God is our refuge, and He will fight our battles. Psalm 11 gives us three weapons that God uses against our enemies . . .   

God rains coals on the wicked; fire and sulfur and a scorching wind shall be the portion of their cup (v. 6).

With burning coals of fire and sulfur, a scorching wind, and a poisonous cup — think judgment against immorality, a withering in the lives of those who mock God, and staggering despair to those who fight against the Lord.

Fire, dryness, and despair. Those who rebel against God — that’s their fate.

However, taking refuge in God, we find . . . 

The Lord is righteous, He loves righteous deeds; the upright shall behold His face (v. 7).

Seeking God, we will see His face and find peace. Those who challenge righteousness will be found wanting and inadequate. They will be defeated by their own decisions.

The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence (v. 5).

Refuge or defeat — our choice! 

Check your foundation.

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