Psalms On Saturday ~ Psalm 100

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For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations (v. 5, ESV).

Psalm 100 has five verses. It’s a Psalm for building faith.

The spirits of this age (not God’s Spirit) work for discouragement, doubt, and fear. Evil takes advantage of our frustrations to sow within us the seeds of doubt that undermine our belief in the goodness of God.

The end of Psalm 100 has the conclusion that we need, despite our trials, to save us from the pit of despair.

The Lord is good! (v. 5)

Doubt approaches in many forms.

At the beginning of Billy Graham’s ministry, a co-worker of Billy’s began to question the authority and reliability of Scripture. He said that Billy needed to keep current with the new thinking at seminaries and that the Bible should be questioned and reconsidered.

Later that day, Billy went out into a field and, while lifting his hands, said, “God, I can’t explain everything about your Word, but I’m standing on the Bible as the Word of God.”

From that point forward, Billy Graham began using this phrase in his preaching, “The Bible says … “

There is a moment in all our lives when we need to shout praise to God. While teetering in doubt, we must take a leap of faith and proclaim …

For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations.

Praising God is the teaching of Psalm 100 – even when we lack complete understanding.

It is not intellectual suicide to praise God while having questions about the Bible, His goodness in current events, or His actions in history.

We must trust God! We can’t explain Him, but we know that He loves us.

The universe and life are more than we can comprehend. Those throwing arrows of doubt, launch them in faith that they’re right and we are wrong. But I’m determined to live with a hope that quenches fiery darts rather than having my faith, hope, and love burned to ashes by fear.

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! (vv. 1-2)

I love the life philosophy of Psalm 100. If we could … 

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, giving thanks to Him, and blessing His name! (v. 4) … 

This “Enter His gates with thanksgiving” attitude will shatter the strongholds of despair, bitterness, fear, and anger.

Praise is a powerful weapon. That’s why evil wants us to grumble.

Remember …

We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture (v. 3).

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