Psalms On Saturday ~ Leadership Lessons Of Psalm 7

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Behold, the wicked man conceives evil and is pregnant with mischief and gives birth to lies. He makes a pit, digging it out, and falls into the hole that he has made. His mischief returns upon his own head, and on his own skull his violence descends (vv. 14-16, ESV).

Lesson One:  Don’t Be Concerned When Falsely Accused

Through the years, when someone attacked me, I thought about this verse…

They are digging a pit for me, but they will fall into it themselves.

I didn’t believe I needed to defend myself quickly; that my integrity was known to others; that the false insinuation would reveal itself; that accusers always overstep.

Liars become known as liars, slanderers reveal themselves as slanderers, and the conniving look foolish when their plans backfire.

Lesson Two:  Make Sure You Judge Yourself Honestly

O Lord my God, if I have done this, if there is wrong in my hands, if I have repaid my friend with evil or plundered my enemy without cause, let the enemy pursue my soul and overtake it, and let him trample my life to the ground and lay my glory in the dust (vv. 3-5).

Perhaps the trait too often ignored by leaders is – honesty!

Humility is hard to develop in our culture today; we react quickly to insults, and counter offense with our own offenses.

Early in my career, a long-time pastor said, “Grant, this is the most difficult thing that I can say to you. You aren’t listening to others, so those in your ministry aren’t being honest with you.”

Honesty exists in a church or a business when the leader listens and admits mistakes. This enlightening confession will establish a culture of freely admitting mistakes, allowing maturity in decisions for everyone.

Churches are shallow and controlling, or open and honest, depending on the key leader’s ability to discern and admit the truth in his or her own life.

Lesson Three:  Allow God to Bring Resolution

It’s called patience.

How many times have we observed a church leadership reacting too quickly (even if they were right) and their actions seemed harsh?

There is a gentleness of waiting that releases mercy and grace into the conversation of justice.

Most Important!

This Psalm was written early in David’s life – before he was established as king.

King Saul had paid traitors to spy on David, but Cush the Benjamite, went further – he spoke lies which Saul believed.

The word “shiggaion” found in the heading of Psalm 7 is used only once in the Bible.  The word means “passionate and strong emotion.”

For David to be a great king, he needed to control his passion, anger, and need for vengeance. He needed to be a king of listening, patience, and soft but just words.

Psalm 7 is King David’s “shiggaion” moment. Will he respond in anger or grace? Will he be honest about himself? Will he listen to others?

You too will have a “shiggaion” test in your life as a leader.

I listened to the pastor who confronted me early in my career. I tried (often failing) to listen when others had suggestions, to not be controlling, and not reacting quickly in anger.

I hope you pass your “shiggaion” moment in your leadership development. This is a test given by God to all leaders. You will be in an unjust situation, and in that moment, you can learn to be God’s leader or one who reacts from pride.

The key to success is found in verse one…

 I come to you for protection, O Lord my God!

Trust in God.