Personal Notes

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I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand (Colossians 4:18).

The Apostle Paul ended his letters with personal notes. Usually, he had a scribe write down his thoughts and, in several letters, he added a final note in his own handwriting.

I’m taking this Interruption to give my personal notes.  

Fortunately, because of Microsoft Word, I can type my thoughts and you don’t have to endure the trial of reading my handwriting.

My health:  I had COVID for a second time about a month ago. My symptoms were similar to the first time in October 2020. I had a headache. I’ve now had two headaches in my life – both lasting about fifteen minutes at the onset of COVID. 

I’ve recovered from this second bout and, by faith, have no long-term aftereffects.

My grandkids:  One of the great blessings of COVID is that my Columbus-based daughter moved back to Springfield. She now lives about a block away from my other daughter which means all six grandkids are close by. 

My e-mail address:  My e-mail for years has been I’m still receiving emails at this address, but I have a new one at Go ahead and send me multiple e-mails today!

Interruptions:  This is #577. I get up early and write an Interruption most days. It takes an hour to an hour and a half. I have fun writing these. I’ve thought that I would stop them when I stopped having opinions, but I have lots of opinions as I continue to get a new idea each morning.

Please note there are now two book volumes of Interruptions. You can purchase both at Discipling Another. Go ahead, get online, and order a copy of everything in my online store!!!

My new book:  Tentative title is – LampPost Strategy: Disciplers Discipling Disciplers. Eighty percent of new believers walk away from faithfulness within three months of deciding to follow Jesus. What can be done? The new book outlines the problem along with a strategy for discipling disciplers – the only solution is – disciplers.

Pray for me as I write this book. It will be 10 to 12 chapters or about 35 to 40 thousand words. Writing a book is a process of writing, an editor rewriting, me rewriting the editor – a few arguments with the editor, making peace with the editor – and then on to copy-editing, cover graphics, pagination, and finally printing!

Internationally:  We’ve held discipleship trainings in Russia, Belarus, the Philippines, Nigeria, and India. And, prayerfully, soon in Cambodia and Myanmar.

How can you help? 

We need financial support with both one-time gifts and monthly donations. You can make either type of donation at Discipling Another.  

We need volunteers who would like to be trained in how to disciple. Our goal this year is to have the ability to facilitate disciplers discipling disciplers throughout the world – either locally in-person or globally through online discipleship. You can let me know if you are interested at

The Apostle Paul ends 2 Thessalonians with:

I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand, and this is a distinguishing mark in every letter; this is the way I write. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all (2 Thessalonians 3:17).

Amen! God’s grace be with each of you today. Tomorrow, get up early and read Interruption #578!


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