Peace From Presence

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Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence (Ephesians 3:12, NLT).

Christianity is the only religion that invites us into an active and engaged relationship with God.

This relationship manifests as the presence of God!

It is not a relationship of sight but of faith. Soon – when Jesus returns – we will behold! Now we experience God’s presence. The presence of God can be sought by us or given to us in grace.

Sought by us!

Paul writes in Ephesians 3:12, “…come boldly and confidently into His presence!”  

I experience this in my prayers – often while reading the Bible, taking a walk, reading a great book, or listening to one of Rick Ives’ sermons (Note: Pastor Ives is a great unsung preacher from Springfield, Ohio.).

The experience of God’s presence shatters my fears and doubt. Suddenly, the world’s dregs are gone to be replaced by a garment of praise. I’ve begun to start my devotions in the morning by telling God…

I’m coming into your presence right now God. Don’t hide from me. Cover me with your glory!

If Psalm 102 can have this attitude, then we can too …

Hear my prayer, O Lord! And let my cry for help come to You. Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my distress; Incline Your ear to me; In the day when I call answer me quickly (Psalm 102:1-2, NASB1995).

Grace experience!

I describe the moments when God’s presence breaks through my difficulty and gives me peace as grace experiences.

When I heard that my mother was killed in a car accident, I cried and then God sat next to me. I can’t describe it any other way. He put His arms around me, and I experienced the peace that surpasses understanding.

I’ve been around many who’ve lost a loved one and I’ve often heard this statement, “At that moment, I experienced the presence of God. I had total and complete peace.”

Bill Johnson writes in his book, Hosting the Presence: Unveiling Heaven’s Agenda

Grace is most often defined as unmerited favor. And that’s the perfect place to start in defining this significant word. But a more complete definition is, it’s the unmerited favor that brings His enabling Presence.

Since the presence and the resulting peace come from grace – we don’t work, instead, we seek the experience. We come into His presence!

When we have God’s presence – either by seeking it or by grace experience – we have His perspective. We don’t necessarily understand intellectually, but we “know” everything will be good.

Let me conclude by quoting Paul’s prayer for you in Ephesians 3:

To know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God (v. 19, ESV).

Amen! So be it.