Pastor Appreciation

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Give respect and honor to those who are in authority (Romans 13:7, NLT).

Since 1984, October has been observed as Pastor Appreciation Month. We are halfway through the month, and have we honored our pastors?

What about Interruptions?  

Yes, I’m a bit late in mentioning it, and I was a pastor for 49 years. In 1 Timothy 1:15, Pastor/Apostle Paul states that he’s the worst of all sinners, and I admit that his words describe my actions in this matter, too.

Why should we give honor to pastors? The statistics are troubling. . . 

  • 75% of pastors report being extremely stressed
  • 90% work between 55 to 75 hours per week
  • 40% report a major conflict with a parishioner at least once a month
  • 50% of seminary graduates quit the ministry within five years

Wow! Now, let’s consider this jumble of data. . . 

  • 53 percent feel inadequately trained in seminary
  • 70 percent do not have a close friend
  • 31 percent do not exercise and for some reason,
  • only 16 percent believe they have enough time to adequately pray each day

Considering what I’ve just written, we could conclude that America now experiences the twilight of seasoned, healthy, and energetic leaders in local churches. 

What can we do? The best thing to do is — do something! Anything!

Considering these statistics, imagine the joy of a pastor if we just said “thank you” or if an entire congregation would publicly show gratitude for their ministry. I’m whining a bit in this blog, but a high percentage of church members don’t understand their pastor’s job.

For a church to do something — anything — in appreciation of their pastor, the members must be educated in the importance of the pastoral role.

The New Testament teaches. . .  

Obey your spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this with joy and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit (Hebrews 13:17). 

We should all show appreciation for our pastors this month. Even more essential, how about practicing a day-by-day theology of honoring pastors in our churches?

In a recent Barna study about pastors, one of the researchers wrote, “Pastors, for the most part, are peripheral and ornamental. Quaint but not entirely necessary. Kind, but wholly credible.”

Wow! Most pastors work hard and are not only underappreciated but also considered to be “ornamental”!

What can you do? Here are a few suggestions. . .  

  • Ask your pastor how you can specifically pray for them and their families
  • Give a Kindle® gift card to purchase books — as most pastors read many books with the expense out of their own pockets
  • Enlist a few members of your church, research (but keep it secret) what would really bless your pastor, and lead the charge for this to be a Christmas gift

Yes, October is Pastor Appreciation Month, but giving honor should be a daily practice in our churches.

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