Our Attitude This Week

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So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13, ESV).

Let’s define attitude as the mindset from which we evaluate the events and people around us.

We can have a positive or negative attitude.

The Bible teaches three qualities that improve our attitude – faith, hope, and love. 

Is there a better attitude than enduring faith, hope, and love? With this outlook, we will not be easily defeated in our actions or self-image.

Psychologists say that our upbringing influences our attitude. 

I was raised by the most positive parents that ever existed. I never heard my father or my mother tell me that I couldn’t accomplish my dreams. 

And I’ve always had the wildest ideas.  

Transferring this attitude into my ministry, I’ve believed it possible for someone from Springfield, Ohio, to influence the world for the gospel. When the church that I once pastored entered building projects costing millions, I trusted God as the Provider.

What’s your attitude about risk? Do you have hope? Are you at peace or frustrated with relationships?

Faith, hope, and love become a gauge by which we judge our attitudes. Does faith increase through discouragement? Do we stand in hope during difficulties? Does love overcome betrayal?

The context of Paul’s faith, hope, and love teaching in 1 Corinthians 13 is the return of Jesus. Verse 12 says …

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

The big picture of attitude is eternal life.  

We have faith, hope, and love because Jesus will return. When we see Him, our questions will be answered, how we treated others will be examined, and whether we stood in doubt will be known.

Let’s have faith, hope, and love because we will see Jesus – a victorious attitude!

If Jesus isn’t returning, why bother with faith, hope, and love? Let’s enjoy ourselves by doing anything, anywhere, anytime, and with anyone.

The Bible teaches that in the end times, the love of most will grow cold, that faith will be extinguished, and that many will faint in fear. True faith, hope, and love will be an anomaly to the prevalent despair of the last age.  

But those lost will know that we are different and be attracted to our light.

Faith, hope, and love are supernatural. By the power of the Spirit, this week, we can have this attitude.

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