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Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days (Ephesians 5:16, NLT).

All of us want opportunity in our lives. 

The Greek word for “opportunity” is “kairos” and it means a moment of potential. I’ve heard teachers say, “Look for your kairos moment. An opportunity to serve His kingdom.”

Not all of our opportunities have “MVP of the Super Bowl” or “CEO of a company” potential. Many of our opportunities will involve trials — and, to be honest, opportunities that we would rather miss.

In the New Testament, “kairos” is translated both as “time” and as “opportunity.”

Jesus said in John 7:8, “My time has not yet come.” Jesus was talking about His crucifixion. This verse can also be translated as “My opportunity has not yet come.”


Some opportunities require sacrifice. Many will pay for a chance to win a mega-million jackpot but wouldn’t want an opportunity to die for the sins of others. Consider the meaning when Paul writes . . . 

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time [kairos] are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us (Romans 8:18, ESV).

Or . . . 

For I consider that our suffering today will bring great opportunity to understand God’s glory that will be revealed to us (Romans 8:18, OGV).

Some opportunities bring joy, and others mean endurance – both are a chance to grow.

Let’s consider how God works in our lives. 

If we pray for peace, the clouds don’t part with an angel bringing us peace. However, God will give us an opportunity to find peace – even though we may not appreciate the opportunity at first.

How about patience? God doesn’t mystically make us patient, but He gives us opportunities to learn patience. Same with faith, hope, and love.

We will all have “kairos” moments or opportunities to mature in Christ.

We read in Galatians 6:10 . . . 

Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone — especially to those in the family of faith (NLT).

Decades past, I was with a few American pastors who were sitting at a large table in a restaurant with three pastors who were visiting from Africa. The pastors ordered food, and the African pastors just asked for water.

I thought, “These pastors from Africa don’t have money to pay for a dinner in an American restaurant.” The American pastors must have noticed. However, none of them offered to buy the African pastors dinner. 

I knew all of the American pastors, and they didn’t have a lot of money either. And that’s the point about opportunity and our kairos moments – they might involve suffering, paying a price, or stepping out in faith.

Let’s make the most of our opportunities whenever they present themselves. I’m praying that I will have faith!

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