One Verse For 7650 Days Changed My Life

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But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts (Romans 13:14, NASB1995).

In February of 1972, I memorized Romans 13:14. I go over this verse in my mind several times each week. 

At 150 times per year for 51 years, that’s 7,650 days that I’ve meditated on this verse. What have I learned, and why did it change my life?

Let’s break this verse into phrases and consider their meanings.

Put on the Lord . . . 

In the Greek, this phrase is one word. It means putting on your favorite clothing. 

Not formal wear for a wedding but something comfortable for lounging around the house. I have this old pair of jeans and an Old Navy® long-sleeved T-shirt that I put on at the end of the day.

Just wearing these clothes relaxes me!

This happens when you put on “comfortable” Jesus, not judging or condemning Jesus, but the Savior who is your shepherd and friend.

The New Living Translation renders this phrase in Romans 13:14 as: “Clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Make no provision for the flesh . . . 

The word “provision” can be translated as “thinking about.”  

Paul is making a contrast in this verse between thoughts about Jesus and considering the enticements of the flesh.  

It’s a battle of the mind.

In regard to its lusts . . .  

In the Greek, “lust” indicates a strong desire that grows in influence until it controls your life.

In Romans 13:14, Paul wants you to become a friend of Jesus, who loves you. He is warning about giving yourself to a process of “thoughts-to-action” with lusts.

Science has shown through MRI evidence that when we think about something, it traces a path in our brain. If we think too much about something, this brain path becomes a well-worn chasm.

I found this out in 1972.

As I thought more and more about Jesus, He became the center of my thoughts and actions. The companionship of Jesus gives me comfort every day and protects me from lust.

As a pastor, I know many without peace. The chasms of lust in their brains have given them over to addiction, anger, and impurity, with resulting emotional and physical ill-health.

I’m glad that I memorized Romans 13:14 52 years ago. More than any other verse, it changed my thinking and behavior. 

7,650 days!

I have a chasm for Jesus in my brain.

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