NDE’s (Near Death Experiences) ~ Part Two

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And they overcame him [Satan] because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony (Revelation 12:11, NASB1995).
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During a recent trip to Michigan, my wife read quotes to me from a book she was reading—John Burke’s Imagine the God of Heaven: Near Death Experiences, God’s Revelation, and the Love You’ve Always Wanted.

Being from Ohio, a person who loves mom, apple pie, and a desire to make The Ohio State Buckeyes great again—I found that listening to a book on Near Death Experiences (NDEs) appropriate for spending time in Michigan!

I’ve since purchased John Burke’s book and enjoyed it. The purpose of the book and the ultimate reason God allows NDEs is encouragement. As John Burke writes:

My purpose for this book is to show the wonders of God: his epic story, his captivating character, and his love that is beyond our wildest dreams. My hope is that you’ll realize that all the love you’ve ever wanted, ultimately, is found in relationship with God.

My first experience with a Near Death Experience happened to me as a teenager.

My mother, who worked as a nurse, came home one day telling of a woman under her care who became fully alert just before passing and said, “I see the most wonderful colors, colors that I’ve never seen before.”

I believe in Near Dear Experiences but warn that we should not base theology on them. A common description of NDEs is light. Jesus is light (John 8:12), but we also know that Satan can appear as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). 

I’ve read other books on NDEs and listened to many stories describing these experiences. Some of my notes are listed below:

  • In many NDEs, people experience God. They aren’t saved in the experience but often use it to start or renew a relationship with Jesus afterward. But some don’t. Not too different than a person who hears a sermon, is convicted, and then walks away. 
  • Similar descriptions of NDEs come from all over the world, with people from differing languages, cultures, and even religions. The experiences are convicting and encouraging but not salvific. After an NDE, a person on earth leads the person to the Lord. Jesus has given believers the commission to preach the gospel.
  • They are signs of the end times. The prophet Daniel writes about an increase of knowledge in the end times (Daniel 12:4). NDEs are made possible by an exponential growth of medical knowledge.

The Bible is a testimony of God’s grace. Grace is a gift that we don’t deserve. We have received grace in salvation, and we all encounter God’s grace in our daily lives. There are answered prayers, wisdom from the Bible, and God’s provision. 

For those who have never experienced the grace of an NDE (and considering the requirement of near death for grace), I would caution against seeking a Near Death Experience!!!

But we can be encouraged by the testimony of NDEs of an afterlife and a God who loves us.

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