Monday is My Favorite Day

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  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday! 

I’ve never heard the phrase, “Thank God It’s Monday.” Have you? 

hasn’t always been my favorite day of the week.  

As a pastor, I had such intensive weekends of preaching, interactions with congregants, family outings, weddings and funerals, and sports events for my children that I dragged myself into Monday, exhausted with mild emotional depression.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday!

Why has Monday become my favorite day of the week?

This day sets the pace for the rest of the week. If Monday goes well, then the rest of the week gets better. 

We should Thank God It’s Monday because we have the opportunity for elevating our spiritual, psychological, and physical health for the entire week. If we wake up Monday morning in a food coma or in frustration from a weekend family event, then “Hallelujah!” we can start again.

How do we make Monday our favorite day?

Have you watched a TV program with someone offering a homemade concoction for a hangover? I once saw an offering containing tomato juice, coffee, egg, and Tabasco®. I believe it’s better to adjust your Bible and prayer intake with specific anticipation of the upcoming week. 

Try my plan below. 

Ingredient #1

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24, ESV).

Have focused time with God in thanksgiving or repentance for the past week and weekend. Then rejoice that you have Monday to begin a new week. I try to list at least five things that I’m thankful for every Monday.

Rejoicing is a great way to start a week.

Ingredient #2

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1, ESV).

Start the week by casting off self-condemnation. It’s impossible to live a week without multiple miscues. Don’t carry last week’s guilt into the new week. God’s grace has already covered your sin.

On Monday, forgive yourself and others too.

Ingredient #3

If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25).

God doesn’t lead us with a comprehensive action plan. He guides us step by step. Ask God to show you His steps in the next week.  

Listen for a nudge in your conscience, an opportunity that requires faith, an act of obedience that excites but terrifies you at the same time. But above all else, start Monday by praying, “God, here I am. Send me!”

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday! 

Besides the above ingredients, I start Monday with this schedule: I get up early, have devotions, write an Interruptions post, and then go for a long bike ride.



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