Missions Possible

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For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago (Ephesians 2:10, NLT).

The following opening line for a series of movies is recognizable by most…

Your mission, should you choose to accept it…

The title of the series is Mission Impossible, and these missions are so impossible that they can only be accomplished by the tricks of movie special effects.

God also gives us assignments. Not missions that are impossible but possible.

In fact, when God created this world, He was thinking… 

I’m going to insert into my purposes of history ___________ [insert your name], and in 2024 I will need her/him to do this. It will be beyond his/her ability, but if they obey, they will grow in faith.

Considering God has made plans for us from the onset of eternity, we should ask this question, “God, what is my assignment today?” 

God gives us tasks—large tasks taking years and daily tasks of perhaps a word of encouragement by text to a struggling friend or realizing that a random encounter with a person we haven’t seen in years is a God moment.

How do we recognize our “missions possible”?

First, look for spontaneity.  

A burning bush, a large fish with Jonah, a call to be fishers of men, a blinding light on the road to Damascus, Philip with an Ethiopian eunuch, and our next mission will often be odd and seemingly random.

But our spirit screams, “Obey!”

Second, it gives peace.

God stills storms; to Him, darkness is light; and often, a sense of dis-ease with life (or even confusion) is God’s preparatory work in our lives for His next assignment.

When I left my position as Senior Pastor after 49 years at the same church, I had a growing discernment that the grace needed for patience and calm with the “happenings” of a larger local church was waning.

I’d wanted to focus more on writing my thoughts on Scripture and to further develop my ideas about disciplemaking, so when I heard God tell me, “Be a good steward of the content that I have given to you,” I knew it was Him.

Third, it will require a step of faith.

With fear as the spirit of this age, often our initial response to a God-mission is to think it impossible. I’ve found that God doesn’t need special effects or Tom Cruise as the hero to accomplish His purposes.

We have been created for the assignment given to us today by God.

His missions are always possible.

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