Maggy Moments Now

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Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.  Hebrews 12:1

We all lose it – in different ways.

Some shout, some withdraw, some fight, others dig in their heels, and others never get serious, always telling jokes. Our brains are programmed to deal with crises. Great for running from a pack of wolves or avoiding a too-fast, non-paying-attention cyclist on the bike path…

But not as your lifestyle.

The protection of instant response becomes toxic when stress takes over and Miggy Moments become a pattern. An incessant treadmill causing depression, health issues, and even your best friend seeking another friend.

Better to increase your Maggy Moments.

The brain is also wired for a broad perspective, peace, joy, creativity, and fun – even during difficult times. You can move from surviving to thriving, from Miggy to Maggy, by following a Biblical plan of three disciplines:

  1. Prayer.  Every day! Every self-help book will mention something like reflection, Yoga, meditation, and positive thinking. The plans work – somewhat. But prayer connects you with a living God who speaks, leads, and gives peace.
  2. Joy Moments.  Reflecting on the past poisons the present with known frustrations and indignities, while an unknown future throws back fear into the present. Stay in the “now” through learning to rejoice. Several times a day, stop and say, “I am grateful for __________________!”
  3. Confession.  Processing your thoughts through conversation is God’s way of absolution, admitting fear and failure, and having hope restored. The New Testament has 46 – yep, 46 – statements like pray for one another, encourage one another and challenge one another. I use the word “confession” as a summary because, without the honesty of admittance, none of the 46 will help.

I should add memorizing scripture. Start with Philippians 4:7, 13, and 19!

The end-times are spiritual warfare. Too many have insulated themselves with luxury, self-pursuit, and denial. Recent events show that things fall quickly. The Bible teaches that trials will increase with intensity and frequency in our age.

The last few weeks, the last year, the last two years – consider the rapid and often shocking change.

With God all things are possible.

Scripture promises that we can develop a spirit capable of joy in the midst of dark days. While others stiffen in the Miggy, followers of Jesus can live in the Maggy – with courage, endurance, and opportunity.

Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.  Hebrews 12:2

For other Interruptions on Miggy/Maggy Moments visit
and read #214, #215, #255, #264, #334, #361, and #426.

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