Last Minute Christmas Praying

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Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests (Ephesians 6:18, NIV).

We have all participated in last-minute Christmas shopping. How about last-minute Christmas praying?

Waiting until the last minute for shopping can be frustrating as it’s too late for an Amazon delivery, and what we want to purchase (I have a lot of experience with this) is already sold out in stores everywhere.

Fortunately, we have a God of abundance who never sleeps, always delivers on time, and doesn’t mind (in fact, encourages) last-minute prayers.

When the Apostle Paul writes about “all kinds of prayers,” I think last-minute Christmas prayers can be included.  

Let’s consider some specifics.

For safety:

Early in my ministry, a good friend was killed in an auto accident on Christmas Eve day. Tragic and especially trying for me as a young pastor giving consolation to the family on Christmas Day.

From that Christmas forward, I have prayed for my family, relatives, and the leaders of the church that I pastored for safe travels during the holidays.

For conviction:

It’s well known that people who don’t go to church regularly will accept a personal invitation to a Christmas Eve service — even a last-minute invitation.

Years back, about an hour before a Christmas Eve service, I noticed a young believer had placed Christmas Eve bulletins on three rows of chairs in our sanctuary. When I asked about the bulletins, she said, “My entire family is coming tonight. They haven’t been to church in years.” 

Then she added, “I hope that you have a good sermon.”

Fortunately, I had started praying for a powerful conviction in the sermon weeks previously. I echoed this prayer for every Christmas Eve sermon afterward.

You may not preach a sermon this year, but last-minute prayers for guidance and opportunities to share the peace of Jesus at Christmas gatherings are always welcomed by the Spirit of God.

For peace:

The angel announced to the shepherds . . .

Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased (Luke 2:14, NLT).

The current affliction of the age is fear and anxiety.

Peace was the focus of the angel’s words when announcing the birth of Jesus. In Luke, the Greek word “eirene” is used instead of the Hebrew word “shalom,” but the meaning is the same.

The Old Testament often repeats itself for emphasis. Shalom is repeated in Isaiah 57:19, “Shalom, shalom to the far and to the near!”

In the series The Chosen, you will hear the greeting, “Shalom, Shalom!” And saying “shalom” twice is like saying, “Total and complete peace be with you.”

At gatherings this year, greet others with “Shalom, Shalom,” or just “Peace, Peace.” And while saying these words, pray in your spirit for this person to have peace.

Peace, supernatural peace!

Safety, conviction, and peace — let’s try last-minute Christmas praying this year.

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