King of Kings

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Jesus has a name. It is written, “King of Kings…”  Revelation 19:16

When I was in seminary, my favorite professor entered our classroom and sat in his chair. He began teaching, “The best government is not democracy.”

“What?” I thought, “Heresy from my favorite professor!”

He continued, “The best government is one in which we have a perfect, all-powerful, just, and loving King. Jesus is our King of Kings.”

Hard to dispute.

It was an election year when my professor taught us about the King of Kings. The election was over, and I learned that day that Jesus had won. The results of the election were irrelevant to God’s purposes through Jesus as our King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Let’s get a scriptural glimpse of our King:

For a Child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from then on and forevermore.  Isaiah 9:6-7

I do not think any king, queen, dictator, or political leader can compare.

As an all-knowing King there will be no subterfuge, fake news, vain tweets, or conspiracies. You see Jesus and you see truth and motives. Darkness doesn’t exist in His presence. With His power coupled with wisdom, there will be no lack, no injustice, and all will be rewarded according to their actions.

Yes, both justice and rewards, and yet all will praise Jesus.

The good and the bad, all sorted in the first few moments of His ascendency after His Second Advent. What next? Creativity – we will understand His purposes for all of creation. The author of Hebrews writes, “God now speaks to us openly in the language of a Son, the appointed Heir of everything, for through him God created the panorama of all things and all time. (TPT)

Our eternal-purpose vision is dim right now. COVID, the economy, all the postponements – nothing seems right. Seeing our King, it all comes into focus.

Jesus came on Christmas Day as a baby. His purpose, a suffering servant. Jesus returns soon as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, with a few million angels, and the saints – all in battle array. Evil will be vanquished; history realigned through justice and forgiveness.

Peace, finally peace! The Prince of Peace reigns.

Okay, on the verge here – listen before you react. Imagine that I come to your house, sit at your table, and say:

The recent election doesn’t mean much from an eternal perspective. Why lose your peace over it? Whether your candidate won or lost, in the end, Jesus wins. His Kingdom isn’t of this world. We serve a King whose Lordship has always reigned. We just need to love Him, with honoring submission.

What I write must be disturbing to the powers that be. As most of you know, Interruptions has been banned from Facebook. I think my seminary professor would be banned as well.

An Eternal, All-powerful, Loving, All-knowing, Grace-giving, Ever-present, Truth, and Peace – King of Kings…

Who cannot be banned!

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