Jesse Does the Impossible (We Can Too!)

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I can do all things through him who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13, ESV).

My grandson Jesse is ten years old.  

This year he has matured as a great basketball player. In my mind, Jesse will get a full basketball scholarship to The Ohio State University and then off to the NBA, where he will break all of Stephen Curry’s records.

That’s what a good OG does – imagines the seemingly impossible for his grandkids. (Please note: My grandkids call me “OG” for “Old Guy.”)

I have a piece of solid evidence for Jesse’s upcoming basketball stardom. Let’s listen to a conversation this past week between Jesse and his dad.

Jesse: “Dad, how much money will you give me if I go into the neighbor’s yard behind my basketball hoop and then shoot a blind shot over their six-foot-tall wood fence, over the top of my backboard, and make the shot?”

Dad, speaking without faith: “Oh, a hundred bucks.”

Jesse then proceeded to shoot over the neighbor’s fence, over the backboard of their free-standing basketball hoop, ending with nothing but net.

Now Jesse is considering how he will spend 100 dollars.

The Apostle Paul writes with more “Jesse-like” faith than my son-in-law’s doubt when he says to us . . .  

Now to Christ who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us (Ephesians 3:20).

In heaven, when Jesus talks about us to the Father and the Holy Spirit, I believe they discuss calling us to tasks that are over-the-fence, over-the-backboard, and then nothing-but-net challenges.

The almost unbelievable Why Wouldn’t They?

God has purposes for us designed before creation. He has all power, and He wants us to ultimately rule with Him.

Do you think, with all that Jesus has invested in us, that He’s going to be content with lay-ups and easy foul shots? Or will He give us an opportunity for a game-winning three-pointer every once in a while?

Before you stand under the basketball hoop for an easy lay-up in your faith and consider easy shots the norm of your walk with Jesus, consider the following verses . . . 

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)

In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us (Romans 8:37).

Hey, if my grandson Jesse can make an over-the-fence, over-the-backboard shot, I think I can too. Not an actual basketball shot, but maybe having the courage to share the good news of Jesus with a neighbor or knowing that God will provide funds for a mission trip.

God is great, so our shots should reflect His ability and not ours.

By the way, Jesse has decided to purchase turtles and, hopefully, a snake with his basketball winnings! Now Jesse’s mother will need to grow in faith as well.

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