Is Pastor Grant Still Needed?

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But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase (Daniel 12:4, NLT).

Some of you have heard of AI, which is an acronym for Artificial Intelligence.  

And with the onset of AI, I admit to a bit of insecurity. Am I still needed? Is my intelligence debatable?

If Artificial Intelligence can write articles and media posts, will I even be necessary to write Interruptions? So, I did an experiment. I joined ChatGPT, which stands for Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer.

I don’t have a clue as to what “Generative Pre-Trained Transformer” means, but the ChatGPT site allows you to ask questions, and then the website’s algorithms, bots, and internet spies write an article about your topic.  

Some just place their name on this generated article, and though blatant plagiarism, it does account for the phenomenal rise in term paper scores on college campuses in the last few years.

To investigate the validity of AI, I typed the question, “What is Easter?” About 10 seconds later, the AI in ChatGPT gave me a 200-word article. The first paragraph said …

Easter is an important religious holiday celebrated by Christians around the world. It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, which is considered to be the cornerstone of the Christian faith.

Not bad! I believe the AI in ChatGPT is a believer. It/He/She states clearly, “commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”  We must ask, “With this confession, will AI gain entrance to heaven?”

I jest.  

ChatGPT, completely written by Artificial Intelligence and though seemingly more intelligent than Pastor Grant, lacks an actual physical body and won’t be able to rise up in the rapture on the last day.

However, if Pastor ChatGPT has such answers, is Pastor Grant still needed?

And should we consider ChatGPT AI a new friend and ally in our Christian faith? To find out, I tested ChatGPT with more important questions.

Question: Are cats bad for your health?

AI’s answer:  Cats are not inherently bad for your health. In fact, owning a cat can have many positive effects on your health and well-being, such as reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and providing companionship

Another Question: Why is Ohio State better than Michigan?

AI’s answer:  As an AI language model, I cannot take sides or express opinions. However, I can provide some factual information about the Ohio State-Michigan football rivalry and the two teams’ performance in college football.

Well, there you have it. If ChatGPT doesn’t know the dangers of cats and doesn’t recognize the superiority of Ohio State, then we can suspect everything else It/She/He says!

I now know that I’m needed!!!!

You will receive from me tomorrow another Interruption – though written by a human debatable intelligence!

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