Interruption #1,001,209 … One Million Days From Now!

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Dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day (2 Peter 3:8, NIV).

What?! Interruption #1,001,209 today? Wasn’t the last Interruption #1208? What happened?

Please look at the date. It’s April 1, or April Fools’ Day! 

No, I don’t consider the readers of this blog to be fools, but I’ve added one million and one to #1208 to become #1,001,209 in consideration of what our lives will be like in one million days.

For those who like details, one million days is about 2,700 years. In Biblical history, 2,700 years ago, the Northern Kingdom of Israel had fallen to the Assyrians, and in a few years, Judah and Jerusalem would be conquered by the Babylonians.

The good news is that one million days in our future, we will live in total and complete victory. As the Apostle Paul writes…

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us (Romans 8:18, NIV).

It’s amazing that few talk about heaven today. Recently, I asked a person what they had planned for the summer, and ten minutes later, this person continued to talk about an upcoming cruise to Alaska.

I’m not a cruise fan (think large floating buffet with thousands of people), but I’m sympathetic to those who are. What I can’t understand is why we aren’t talking about our future home in heaven.

One million days from now, after writing Interruption #1,001,209, I will still have the entire day left. In this life, we sometimes shriek at the end of our day, “I don’t have 26 hours a day, and I need 26 hours a day to get everything accomplished!”

Well, in heaven, no problem, since a day is a thousand years, so on a busy day, we just add a thousand years.  

And after writing #1,001,209, I’m going to add a few hundred years to my day as I want to visit Planet Pastor Grant. When I arrived in heaven, I reminded God that He promised me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4) and that my desire on earth was to become a surfer.

It didn’t happen. 

So, God put it on His “to-do” list to create a planet entirely of oceans with only one solitary 1,000-mile shoreline onto which 1,000-foot waves repeatedly crash. I’m taking a few of my friends with me to enjoy the day (or perhaps hundreds of years) of surfing, followed by our return to Jerusalem for the daily Banquet of the Lamb.


I’m not crazy discussing 1,000-year days, 1,000-foot waves, and all our desires fulfilled. We can write it off to April Fools’ Day, or perhaps we should believe God’s promises about our future in one million days.

Let’s remember…

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us… (Ephesians 3:20, NIV).

In heaven, our imagination of fulfilled desires will have no limit!

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