Intercession ~ Lesson #1

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I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them (1 Timothy 2:1, NLT).

Intercession is a type of prayer mentioned in the Bible.

The word “intercession” essentially means to have a conversation with God to find out His thoughts and then make requests accordingly.

I know, a lengthy definition for a single word. 

However, a great intercessor has a conversant relationship with God, discusses and even debates with God about His purposes, waits until insight is clear, and then asks specifically.

When we arrive in heaven, we will look at heaven’s logbook of answered prayers and quickly note that almost anything important throughout Biblical history had an intercessor as the instigator.

Intercessors are rebels . . . rarely do they acquiesce to culture’s norms. They often stand in the gap for a prayer need that others haven’t noticed yet. They can ask God for blessing or judgment, and they become fearless toward opposing principalities.

Obviously, we need more intercessors today. I hope you will become one.

We have a good example of intercession as the Apostle Paul writes . . . 

Christ Jesus is the one who died — more than that, who was raised — who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us (Romans 8:34, ESV).

With Jesus as our Intercessor, Paul then writes in Romans 8 that nothing can separate us from the love of God (v. 35), we are more than conquerors (v. 37), and God will graciously give us all things (v. 32).

I want to be an intercessor, how about you? Our spiritual maturity, the church, our families, and our country need prayer warriors.

As I’ve studied Scripture, I find only two qualifications to become a great intercessor.

First, a desire to be in God’s presence. 

In Exodus 33, Moses would erect a tent outside the camp of the Israelites. He would go to this tent, and after he entered, the cloud of the glory of God would cover the entrance of the tent.  

This passage says that the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, and it describes God telling Moses, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Second, a willingness to wait and persevere.

Psalms 27:14 says . . .  

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! (ESV)

Waiting and presence go together.  If we enjoy the presence of God, then we won’t mind waiting — as long as it takes — in the presence of God until His will is discerned.

Intercession is a lost art today because few enjoy God’s presence, and impatience causes our prayers to quickly challenge God’s goodness and power when answers aren’t immediately forthcoming.

Please don’t pray for God to raise up intercessors; ask instead that you will become one.

That’s Intercession Lesson #1 – go to your tent of meeting and ask God to fill you with His Spirit of Intercession.

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