Increasing Faith Through Endurance

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The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” (Luke 17:5, NIV)

I’m asking God to increase my faith in 2023.

Describing the ends-times, Jesus said, “People will faint from terror as they consider what is happening in the world in 2023” (A very loose Old Guy Version [OGV] of Luke 21:26).

We cannot decrease the problems of this world, but we can increase our faith!


Learn the secret of endurance.

When trials are mentioned in the Bible, you find the concept of “endurance” as the antidote … 

The testing of your faith produces endurance (James 1:3, NASB1995).

By your endurance, you will gain your lives (Luke 21:19, NASB1995).

We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance (Romans 5:3, ESV).

Let’s consider “endurance” as the solution and not the result of tribulation.  

The Greek word translated “endurance” is used 32 times in the New Testament. This Greek word is also translated as “stand firm, perseverance, steadfastness, and patience.” 

If we have endurance, standing firm with perseverance and steadfastness during an altercation with evil – we win.

A study of “endurance” reveals that God doesn’t eliminate trials. But patient faith reveals the action steps to be taken for victory.

Endurance becomes our means to glory.

I’ve listened to followers say, “Don’t pray for patience as God might answer your prayer.”

We shouldn’t live in fear of our next round of trials. God isn’t a celestial coach planning our next workout so that we can beat Michigan (okay, as a Buckeye football fan, I get carried away sometimes in Interruptions).

I exercise physically for endurance to improve my cycling. I ask God to increase my faith so that I can serve Him with greater capacity. I get satisfaction with the results of both physical exercise and joy from serving God.

Endurance gives me greater power for the Kingdom of God. My perseverance allows growth in my relationship with God. Being steadfast knocks down the weeds of doubt, discouragement, and fear. 

And the good news – endurance brings greater joy! 

To increase our faith in 2023, let’s begin with endurance. At the beginning of an endeavor to serve God think, “This is the cost. I expect distractions and even spiritual warfare, but with God, all things are possible.”

God alone knows when enough is enough.  

When we set a deadline for our struggles, “Okay, this is enough, no more,” we can short-change the depth of faith that God is building within us for the endurance needed for victory.

One of the oldest hymns of the church (if not the oldest) is in the book of Jude.  

To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy – to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power, and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen (Jude 24-25).

I often do not feel like persevering. I want to quit. But I have my friend Jesus, who walks with me and keeps me from stumbling.

Please, Jesus, increase our faith in 2023, but stay close!

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