I’m In The Philippines!

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You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8, ESV).

Interruptions is sent each morning at 6 a.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time. Right now, it is 6 p.m. in General Santos City in the Philippines.  

I’m tired and ready to sleep, but I must stay awake, as I can’t go to bed at 6 p.m. I repeat – I must stay awake!

I left this past Wednesday at 6 a.m. That meant I got out of bed at 3:30 a.m., drove to the airport, checked in (the Delta© agents know my name), went through security (I’ve known one of the TSA agents since she was a child), then boarded a short flight from Dayton to Detroit, Michigan.

Then had a six-hour layover in Detroit, followed by a 14-hour flight, arriving Thursday in Seoul, South Korea, at noon (Seoul time, but my body says 11 p.m. Eastern). A three-hour layover in Seoul, followed by a three-and-half-hour flight to Manila, arriving at 10 p.m. local time in Manila or 10 a.m. Ohio time.

Are you confused about the time changes? My body is too!

After landing in Manila at 10 p.m., there was a nice two-hour traffic jam to the hotel, where I got to bed at midnight, trying to sleep – but it’s noon in Ohio.

I got up the next morning for breakfast before leaving for the Manila airport for a two-hour flight (that happened sometime) to General Santos City (called GenSan) where I arrived sometime on Friday. 

The time zones in my body are now too confused for accurate timekeeping!

As you read this, I’m tired, and a bit confused – which is a typical state for me but now exacerbated by jet lag!

I started traveling to the Philippines in 2001. My first trip resulted from an invitation to teach First Steps discipleship at a church in Cebu. Since 2001, I’ve traveled to the Philippines about 30 times holding discipleship conferences throughout the country.

I came to General Santos City in 2003, and the team with me taught First Steps to a conference of 600 pastors. My sister, traveling on that trip, felt a burden for the children in the city, came home, sold her house, and moved to GenSan to start a mission.

Naomi’s Heart Mission (her mission) now has hundreds of students in their school, has planted churches, and supports feeding programs for hundreds, if not thousands, of children.

My schedule in the Philippines for this trip:

General Santos City with Naomi’s Heart Mission; then to Cebu to work with a team of Filipinos who have the vision to take First Steps throughout Asia – and finally, I will take a few days vacation with my wife.

I will be in the Philippines for three weeks, and by the time that I leave the time clock in my body should be caught up with the actual time in the Philippines. No more jet lag!

Then back to the U.S.A. Reversing my trip from General Santos City to Cebu to Manila to Seoul to Detroit, and finally, to Dayton – jet lag will land with me in Dayton.

I ask that you pray for the team and me:  1. Safe travels 2. Good health and 3. Powerful (in the Spirit) ministry.