I Give Thanks!

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I always pray for you, and I give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For I have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and your love for all of God’s people (Colossians 1:3-4, OGV).

Perhaps too frequently, I talk about myself in an Interruption. And this is one of those Interruptions.  

I want to share a few stories and prayer requests with you. If you want a traditional devotional today and not pastor Grant talking too much, you can purchase Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest on Kindle for $6.99.

I purchased one myself!

First, a very grateful note . . . 

My Interruption #977 on June 27, 2023, was about my friend and pastor Roy Jacob, who leads a children’s ministry in India. I requested — if the Lord led — that those reading this blog would donate to his ministry.

About $10,000 was raised. If you would like to continue giving monthly, you can go to the website of Fellowship Church and find his name on the International Missions donation list.

As the Apostle Paul writes . . . 

The gifts that you have sent are sweet-smelling sacrifices that are acceptable and pleasing to God (Philippians 4:18, OGV).

Second, on a humorous note . . . 

The Interruption that has received the most response ever was Interruption #1012 on August 15, 2023, entitled A Pastor Gets A Truck! Yes, I chronicled my purchase of a truck, and this blog received many comments.  

I’ve written on salvation, sanctification, the book of Revelation, Psalms On Saturday, and many other spiritual topics – but the greatest response has been about my truck. Next week, I am focusing this blog on contrition and repentance!

But I did laugh at this story about my truck . . . 

My wife had picked up our 10-year-old grandson, Jesse, from school. They were walking through the garage when Jesse said, “Mimi, I forgot that OG [Old Guy = me!] bought a new truck. I love the color.”

Then Jesse added this comment, “You know, Mimi, when I’m 80, I’m going to buy all kinds of things because I won’t have much time left to enjoy them.”

HHHHMMMHHM! No, I’m not 80.

Third, two prayer requests . . . 

  • I’ve been working on a new book about disciple-making for two years. A very involved process for me, but it’s almost finished. Pray for its completion and blessings on the final editing and publishing.  

(I will let you know when you can pre-order several hundred copies!)

  • Barbara and I are going to the Philippines the last week of September through mid-October.  

Jamie on Outlander says, “Dinna fash,” which is Gaelic for, “Don’t worry!” I am putting together blog posts of my favorite Psalms — one each day — for Interruptions while I’m traveling. Some will be new, some refreshed, and all encouraging.

Pray that we have safe travels, good health while traveling, and powerful ministry.

Thanks for reading this Interruption. For those of you who missed a traditional devotional this morning, Oswald Chambers’ thought for September 8 is . . . 

God does not make us holy in the sense that He makes our character holy. He makes us holy in the sense that He has made us innocent before Him. And then we have to turn that innocence into holy character through the moral choices we make.

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