How We Pray for Children and Grandchildren ~ Part 2

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In Interruption #1324, I wrote: “Why We Pray for Children and Grandchildren ~ Part 1.” 

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It’s an honor and privilege for parents and grandparents to pray for their children and grandchildren. Their blessings in this life depend upon our prayers, but how do we pray effectively for them?

  1.  Order your prayers. . .  

O Jehovah, in the morning shalt thou hear my voice; In the morning will I order my prayer unto thee, and will keep watch (Psalm 5:3, ASV).

The best prayers are ordered. Since we pray for our children and grandchildren for years, consider praying in an organized and consistent manner.

  1. Pray in the Morning. . . 

Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives (Psalm 90:14, NLT).

Our abundance of joy depends upon our successful relationships. 

We are at peace according to the peace found in our family. The best time to pray for our children and grandchildren is in the morning. Morning prayers request strength and guidance, while evening prayers focus on reflection.

Our children and grandchildren need this strength and guidance in the morning to last through their day.

  1. Set aside two mornings. . . 

Pick two mornings each week to pray. It’s hard to maintain a prayer vigil each morning, so choose Monday and Friday or Tuesday and Saturday. Then say to God. . . 

Father in heaven, my children and grandchildren can depend upon me as I will be bringing their names to you two days a week!

  1. Keep a prayer list of requests. . . 

And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for (1 John 5:15).

Take a sheet of paper for each child or grandchild and write down the requests that the Lord gives you.  

Parents and grandparents are primary visionaries for children and grandchildren. God has formed them in the womb for His purposes, and His calling for them will be revealed to us first.

We pray and speak their calling into fulfillment through our prayers.

  1. Keep this list simple and short.  

My lists for my grandchildren have about eight to ten requests—specific requests—that I constantly pray. For example, my lists includes. . .  

  • They will follow Jesus.
  • They will know their calling early in life and focus on it.
  • They will marry a believer.
  • They will experience and live in the peace of God.
  • They would financially prosper through generosity.

That’s it—my suggestion on how to pray for children and grandchildren. One last encouragement: Tell them often that you are praying for them. 

My mother did this. She told me constantly that she was praying for me. And during my rebellious years, as I approached sin, I’d always remember, “Uh, oh, Mom’s praying for me!”

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