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If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you (John 15:7, ESV)
Anything that begins well has a chance of ending well.
If something does not begin well, it has no chance of ending well. So, how do we get a good beginning for our prayers? The ultimate end of praying should be what Jesus teaches in John 15:7. . .
Ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you!
Why would we pray for any other reason than to receive a positive answer?
The number one word used for “prayer” in the Bible other than “prayer” is “Ask!” And when we ask, we desire a “Yes!” So, how do we begin our prayers correctly?
Jesus says. . .
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you. . .
Let’s understand “abide” to ensure a great beginning to our prayers. Abiding means dwelling in the presence of God, and answered prayers come from His presence and abiding in His Word.
Here’s a simple “prayer hack” for abiding in Jesus that will empower our praying. First, give praise for five aspects of God’s nature, and then give thanks for five things that God has done in your life.
With praise, we describe God. With thanksgiving, we express gratitude for what He has done in our lives. There is no better way to enter the abiding presence of God. Consider the following verses. . .
What mighty praise, O God, belongs to you in Zion. We will fulfill our vows to you, for you answer our prayers (Psalm 65:1-2a, NLT).
These gates lead to the presence of the Lord, and the godly enter there. I thank you for answering my prayer and giving me victory! (Psalm 118:20-21)
Let’s review: Praise describes God.
God, You are powerful; You heal; You provide; Your thoughts are amazing (and so on). Words like grace, mercy, love, forgiveness, compassion, sovereign, just, faithful, and many others describe God. There are hundreds of words and phrases in the Psalms alone that describe God.
When we praise God, we elevate above our earthly or fleshly constraints into His potential.
Thanksgiving describes what God has done for us.
How has God forgiven us, how has God provided, and how has God healed? Praise describes God’s intentions, and thanksgiving focuses on the specific actions in our lives based on His loving intentions.
Being grateful allows our spirit to join His Spirit by rejoicing in His power, which eliminates our fears.
Let’s ensure a great beginning to our prayers in the morning by counting out five praises and five thanksgivings. His presence will rejuvenate our asking because we know that. . .
We can ask for anything in His name!