How God Speaks To You

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If we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25).

I love this verse, as it indicates a personal relationship with God.

Understanding that Christianity is a relationship transforms how we experience God. A relationship has conversation, a sense of presence, and is nurtured by love. Religion has impersonal instruction, a sense of following rules, and is motivated by fear.

How do I keep in step with the Spirit? How does the Spirit speak to me? Rarely have I heard a voice; it’s more subtle. But if we have an ear to listen, God’s voice can be clear.

There are three spiritual senses through which God speaks. 

First:  Intuition  

During my current work for the Lord, I’m often overwhelmed. During prayer a while back, I had an idea: “Discipling Another (my ministry) needed CPR.” 

I considered this – Clarity, People, Resources – CPR. 

God wanted me to pray for Clarity of direction and He would provide the People and Resources to accomplish His will. This wasn’t a vision but an intuitive idea as I prayed.  

Second:  Presence

Peace comes from God’s presence.  

When I need to make a decision, I keep in step by considering which direction gives me peace. If I sense that a certain path will take away my peace, I stop (hopefully).

I’ve used the expressions, “This gives me peace, ” and “This takes away my peace.” God is peace and speaks through peace. Our fears often mute His voice. I’ve learned the difference between my anxiety as the cause of losing peace, or God’s presence getting distant because of my decisions.

Third:  Conscience

Being right or being wrong – the Spirit of God will cause your spirit to feel grieved or hindered, or filled with the fruit of the Spirit. This is your conscious speaking.

If you don’t do something God wants you to do, there will be a quenching or hindering of His Spirit. If you proceed with an action that you know isn’t God’s will, your spirit will be grieved. If you obey, God’s Spirit will release the fruit of the Spirit.

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are enjoyed by keeping in step with the Spirit through intuition, presence, and conscience.

The senses of the Spirit are different than the taste, smell, sight, hearing, and touch senses of the human body – but with awareness, confession, obedience, and grace – they will manifest.

The senses of the Spirit are needed so that you can keep in step with God’s Spirit.

Just as the senses of the body enable us to relate to and enjoy the physical world, the senses of the Spirit will enhance worship and God’s presence. The Apostle Paul indicates in Romans 8:14 that children of God are led by the Spirit. 

A few verses later Paul teaches what happens when we walk with the Spirit. By listening to the senses of the Spirit…

We will know that God causes all things to work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).