Honey In The Rock

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But He would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you (Psalm 81:16, ESV).

I get obsessive with songs. I listen to them again and again. Recently, I’ve been obsessing over the song Honey In The Rock by Brooke Ligertwood and Brandon Lake.

When I mean obsessive – this song has 1,081,908 views since being released on YouTube on February 25 this year (2022) and I alone account for 423,000 of those views! Over and over, I’ve listen to the phrases in the song…

There’s honey in the rock… Everything I need you’ve got… Only you can satisfy… Power in the blood, healing in your hands… Oh, how sweet it is to trust in you Jesus… There’s honey in the rock… Water in the stone.

I’ve been encouraged again and again by listening to the song. If you haven’t already heard the song, be the 1,081,909 viewer and listen for yourself.

Brooke Ligertwood – Honey in the Rock (with Brandon Lake) (Live Video)


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Part of my obsessive nature is that I ask questions about everything. 

My first question was, “How do you pronounce Brooke Ligertwood?” I had the “Brooke” down but I still get tongue-twisted with “Ligertwood.” My second question – what was the inspiration behind the song for Brooke and Brandon Lake who co-wrote the song?

The song comes from Psalm 81:16. Honey in the rock is in the last verse of this Psalm and used as a promise of God’s care for the Israelites – if they trust and obey God. We know that the Israelites, while in the wilderness, had a low success rate in trusting God.

But the promise stands for all followers of Jesus today – There is honey in the rock. Water in the Stone! Everything I need You’ve got.

Brandon describes his thoughts while co-writing the song…

Growing up we didn’t have a lot, but time and time again our family found honey in the rock. The rock being Jesus and we trusted Him. Listening to this song, the rock being a hard place, and if Jesus isn’t in this place with us, then we see a wall. This rock may be God and God is using this hard place to provide something important in our lives.  

During hard times, trusting in the rock, is where I have found the most miracles by watching His provision during those difficult seasons.

Brooke Ligertwood says…

I listened to a podcast by Timothy Keller entitled “Honey in the Rock.” And He made four points. One, life is a wilderness; two, there is a rock in the wilderness; three, there is honey in the rock; and four, God has sent Jesus to pass the testing in the wilderness on our behalf.

You can listen to Tim Keller’s sermon by clicking this link…

I can’t get the phrase honey in the rock out of my mind. Probably a good thing as Psalm 81:16 will be a great passage to keep in mind during the difficulties of the end-times.

I will let you know in a future Interruption when I get obsessed with another song.