Happy Mother’s Day!

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I placed this question on Facebook® recently:

“I write a morning blog called Interruptions. Need quotes on this question: ‘What’s your favorite thing about being a mom?’ Obviously, this is for my blog on Mother’s Day.”

From the comments I received, I’ve realized there are many great mothers and grandmothers who have “friended” me on Facebook. Our moms deserve the flowers, cards, and dinners we will give them tomorrow.

I think my favorite comment was (they were all wonderful)… 

It gives me purpose. So many pieces of daily life seem trivial, but they all contribute to the life I’m trying to build for them.

Learning was a common thread…

Your children teach you just as much as you teach them. 

Getting to watch my nearly one-year-old son discover the world around him for the first time. 

Also, the impact and importance of being a mom and raising children…

Knowing that the world is a better place because of that tiny human who grew up to be a 6’5″ man who loves his family.

Once you become a mom, it’s eternal. Just like our salvation. When you pour yourself into your kids, the return on investment is just as great as when we pour ourselves into our relationship with God.

I appreciated the humor…

From Pastor Rick Ives (the only name I will mention): “I can’t think of anything!” (Please—all of you—send him a chastising Facebook message today.)

More apropos would be…

That you are raising the parents of your grandchildren. 

That my 4 grown sons call or stop by for no reason.

With one comment, I thought “Amen” when I read it…

I got a talking-to by my oldest son, Justin, a few days ago. He is navigating a job search in a new city and I was helping…errrr…meddling… He explained to me the importance of doing this on his own without my input. He showed me that it was the independence he was craving.

And I think we can all say “Amen” to this… 

I love watching them experience the world and discover new things. Getting to relive the wonder of childhood through their eyes is a true treasure.

One mom best summed up the purpose of motherhood in one word…


All the comments inspired me to render my personal translation of Proverbs 6:20-22: 

My child, follow your mother’s life-giving teaching. Fill your heart with her advice, and let your life be shaped by what she taught you. Her wisdom will guide you wherever you go (OGV).

Finally, one Mom said… 

My children are my best friends.


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