God’s General And Specific Calling

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Only as the Lord has assigned you, as God has called you, in this way you should walk (1 Corinthians 7:17 OGV).

You have a narrow path of God’s calling. Your calling is the purpose that God created for you before time began.

You are made with talents and have opportunities and resources to fulfill your calling. While walking on this narrow path, you will find peace, purpose, and passion for life.

Many followers of Jesus have no idea of their calling. Do know your calling?  

Fortunately, God is very interested in revealing it to you. He created you for specific tasks and has paid the price for you to accomplish your purpose.

As the Apostle Paul writes:

Having chosen you, he called you to come to him. And having called you, he gave you right standing with himself. And having given you right standing, he gave you his glory. What can you say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for you, who can ever be against you? Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for you, won’t he also give you everything else? (Romans 8:29-32 OGV).

You are called by God to serve Him. There is a general aspect and a specific aspect of calling. 

General:  You are called to salvation and to become His child. 

Specific:  You are called to teach kindergarten, but not all of you, as some are called to be data analysts, professional cyclists, writers, doctors, lawyers, and millions of other tasks.

General calling is the same for all, while specific calling is different for every follower. 

What is your calling? When you walk in God’s calling you will find peace and happiness. 

To find your calling: 

Realize that you have a calling.

Ask God to reveal your calling.

Be ready to obey when Jesus speaks.

I’ve learned that my specific calling comes from my general calling. I decided to follow Jesus (general) and He called me to be a pastor for 49 years (specific). Two years ago, I was praying on the shore of the Sea of Galilee (general) and He told me to develop the content that He would give me. I now write Interruptions (specific). 

The specifics of your calling flow from your relationship with God.  

Yes, despite your intentions to follow Him (general calling), you will make mistakes with discerning and obeying the specifics.

Remember:  Calling was lost in the garden but regained on the cross. God has a calling for you. Ask Him to reveal this calling, be willing to obey – and depend on His grace when you fail.

God’s calling results in confidence, not self-condemnation.

 It is important to remember that God gives calling.

This is a huge difference between other religions and political systems of the world.  The evil principalities of this world rule through “conform and control” thought related policies.  With “an agenda” they media-ize you into group-think and group-speak that minimalizes your identity.

Or at least they try.

Your calling gets in the in the way of thought mongers, dictators, and even the “act this way” dictums found in democracies.

There is nothing more frightening to world forces than Christians knowing their identity in Christ. Why else would typically meek and mild followers of Jesus be the first group persecuted in “control” countries?

I pause and remind those reading that we are to stand strong for our calling in love and not by judging others.  We can’t believe in freedom for our calling while trying to control those of differing opinions.

Which brings me to a final point.  Christians are best at standing.  Nothing wrong with politics but Christians too easily fight one another, same with doctrines, and vaccines. 

One writer said, 

There are no denominations in prison camps. 

Or in countries being attacked by an outside aggressor.

The Biblical end-times of today will soon give all of us who follow the Lord’s calling an opportunity to stand for righteousness and love.